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Posts posted by Charles

  1. -1 Backstory is very short, and doesn’t really make you different. I agree with Canadian to just be Greek and not focus on the Canadian aspect of it, and to completely scrap the Philly part.

    Maybe an Upstate New York Greek Crew that grows in with Italians and breaks off to be its own thing???


    Faction prides itself on poaching members and is just another subfaction of another subfaction. They do not understand roleplay, or the server’s politics for that matter, or how to run and operate a faction.

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  2. Absolutely. I don’t believe in Anti-Polish satire. This shit about to be true. Polish RP hasn’t been good since the server opened and those Poles were from Poland and spoke the language. They ran their own Polish-Czech deli and bakery and actually contributed to the server.

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