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Posts posted by Charles

  1. -1 Two weeks in my opinion is not enough time. I think you should continue to grow as a player in the community time wise before making this app.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, lubaba24 said:

    Every gang wanna be either an biker crew or mob or mafia no one is acutally an street gang this gang should be accepted theres not much back story but the hood


    Gonna be hanged in the street like the KTS Boss 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Unsatisfied said:

    The person you think we poached from Columbo's, Beppe, is the man that posted this application. We didn't poach him, we haven't poached anybody. This is the last time any of us will address these made up accusations.


    • Disagree 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, Unsatisfied said:

    The video was accidentally removed. We added Lore in the doc and changes a few things on the app as we didn't want to go with the name of a real crime syndicate anymore. The video will probably be updated soon with a new one that's actually edited instead of just two randomly grabbed clips.

    There is no lore, it's just terrible writing made by a bunch of people who claim themselves to be "larpers". Implement something in it that makes you Greek, instead of saying "we're good with meats." 

    • Helpful & Informative 2
  5. So, I like the idea of ethnicity you have, but my main issue is that you're treating this entire faction as drug runners, which can be done in a crew of a much larger faction. I don't understand how this sets you apart from them and makes you unique by just using /rumour and grinding drugs. It's nothing different in my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Fernadoshotdog said:

    didnt ask monkey hop off the  dick


    You gotta do better than this monkey. Mexican Triad for a Colombian Cartel is the dumbest shit ever you fucking loose cunt

  7. 12 hours ago, Steam Tank DoomStack said:

    Caseoh, i heard rumours about something that made me want to leave the commission, and also you started attacking me first for the -1 app. please seek help with your insecurities. 

    Bro you're already showcasing yourself as the dumbest player on the server, just quit while you're ahead. 

    • Like 4
  8. 3 hours ago, Steam Tank DoomStack said:

    The commission crying over a -1 is just as embarrassing when you people when to murder.inc for them to do your dirty work when your guys got robbed by 14k and CCNG.

    Man don't speak for CCNG my guy, you're the dumbest fool ever on this server and I've never fully interacted with you at all.

    • Like 5
  9. 5 hours ago, Steam Tank DoomStack said:

    the cope is insane, considering this commission puppet faction app gets 90% of it's comments to be +1s, it's all up to pendred to decide, but in my opinion this faction is just another the Genovese faction reskin.

    Bro who are you? I swear man someone needs to silent your dumbass with the shit you excrete from your mouth. This faction has been around for years, how is it a reskin?

    • Like 6
  10. 4 hours ago, Steam Tank DoomStack said:

    most of the admins who  were bribed got banned for it anyways, so who am i starting a war with. Commission attacking each other. 

    Who’s attacking who? You’re just a simple minded retard and you honestly sound like you need a good ol’ ban

    • Like 1
  11. -1 Yeah bud this isn't it. Your faction offers nothing that sets you apart from other biker groups because all you can offer is that you ride and are friendly with cartels. None of those shocks anyone with a unique feature. 

  12. I love how a cop gets my ID and then a year later of not playing or ever interacting with them, they can see who I am and remember me. Makes no sense. You forgot a lot throughout life, it makes no sense that a cop who arrested me for a misdemeanor can remember me when they’ve had other experiences 

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  13. Everything you just listed is such a bad idea. Literally on the old forums there were better ideas. Social Security and Pensions is the last thing we need on the server, because it’ll just break the economy and increase the amount in taxes. Like this is just so bad, like at least make something good like bringing back the city council and mayor positions, but that’s already too far gone. 

    Also the stock market was player ran, so if you want that back then make it yourself.

  14. -1 The cult aspect isn’t really something that the server needs. They usually grow to become mingey and will cause problems with other factions and will be the ultimate destruction of it or it goes inactive because most of their members get banned. I’d rebrand… 



    Also you’re Irish…

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