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Everything posted by iYB

  1. iYB

    Char ban appeal

    real shit I saw it all, cops breaking server rules as they shouldnt be arresting people for doing little shit like jay-walking and all that. but this mf was just walking normally and these cops were seeking interaction.
  2. +1 Fun RP interactions and is knowledgable of the rules. He is very mature for his age and I believe the staff team will benefit with him on it.
  3. +1 very immersed in diverge. I love this guy
  4. iYB

    Idk how to delete

    +1 We need a french family so I
  5. iYB

    Ban Appeal - YoungBlood

  6. iYB

    Ban Appeal - YoungBlood

    I didnt kill the cop originally tho. Gang did. 1 day is long af
  7. Your Character or Steam Name: YoungBlood™ Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199169798431/ Your Discord ID#: iYB Reason for ban: "Cop-Baiting" + "RDM" + PO x2??? Length of ban: 1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So me and the hard hat gang pulled up to PD bc we are bored asf out of our mind so we pull up and I have a gun out on safety. As there is a cop in front of pd, I walk next to him and as he asks for my ID to check my registry (I dont have a license)... I pop the fuck outta him and we skedaddle. Real shit, I was misinformed that I was allowed to kill cops who ask me for my ID and yes I understand that I am responsible for my own actions... I throw myself at the mercy of the admins. But I had no intent to cop bait or RDM I know I have a PO note for VDM since day 1, but I have no idea how that turned into x2. For real might be a mistake but seriously I dont know how it turned into 2, I admit to purposely trying to run one over for stabbing me with insults. I've been clean since. Why should you be unbanned? I just bought donator and im trying to feed my daily addiction of MafiaRP. im feining. I wont listen to my dumbass friend who sets me up for failure and ill read over ALL the rules. Anzati informed me what was right from wrong. Please free me up, I cant wait a whole day!!! -YB Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I love you Anzati no harsh feelings you cool af
  8. iYB

    pk appeal

    damn mf got domed
  9. iYB

    Pk Appeal

    This calls for the wrath of Canadian-Bacon to decide
  10. iYB

    Pk appeal

    RIP Archer Bell
  11. iYB

    Pk Appeal

    damn bro had no hesi killing the guy with a wire. Your death is not in vain!
  12. I assumed much. Shit happens.
  13. Name of Character: Enzo Marcano SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199169798431/ Your Discord ID#: iYB Date of PK: 06-16-2024 Reason for PK: no absolute idea? Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was just in my house grabbing a damn cookie and I was dead. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i5dVbWmE4GgaFZsIf/d1337DhAjwjD?invite=cr-MSxNcWMsMTA1MjU1MDgyLA
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