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Everything posted by anzati1

  1. yea i have source files, ill be uploading soon.
  2. anzati1

    Ban appeal

    Banning staff member here, with your extensive PO's list you were told and I quote "This is your second chance, your only second chance, if you get banned during this return face we'll re-extend the ban and forget about you." https://divergenet.works/topic/359-please-unban-me/ The permaban was extended by Canadian-Bacon based on the appeal. I banned you for 7 days because of your extensive PO's and you admitted in the sit "I killed him because he killed my friend yesterday". That is simply not allowed, neither of you were in a criminal faction therefore cannot follow faction escalation rules. In the clip provided, you were stabbing a man for no reason and didn't stop until you had killed him. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2a7MRRC4XOzE0S/YzdJNsprqXu3?invite=cr-MSxRR24sMjEyNDg4NzQwLA?mobilebypass=true Not only was he no longer a threat, he was barely even talking to you. You followed and killed him for zero reason. When I told you about it, you said you had read the rules and were 100% certain it was allowed to hunt someone the day after an incident.
  3. You talk about learning your lesson, but you didn't. If you had called a staff before leaving the server and asked the officers to actually interact with you, it would've been solved. You talk about how you've improved and not done it recently yes I agree, but that doesn't stop from the fact that you still did it.... After 30 minutes of NO INTERACTION, you can be set free (same goes for if YOU'RE unresponsive, the officers can auto-plea you guilty). This rule does not apply if you are awaiting a lawyer because you should not be released solely on the fact that a lawyer does not, can not, or will not represent you. It's not solely the fact that you left to avoid roleplay that wasn't there, its the fact that you left to avoid roleplay completely, the officers could not roleplay with you whatsoever because you left the server. You being in cuffs also does count as roleplay, if you agree or not, cops also have a job to do and it doesn't always mean baby sitting you in the cell while awaiting lawyers. Just because they aren't giving you the attention of a child in a daycare does not mean they aren't doing their job as officers.
  4. Oh, I also forgot to add, since you knew that you disconnected, on purpose, during RP, your ticket then said "I'm stuck in here for no reason". Either you're trying to lie to staff to get released or forgot, but still was the entire reason why I looked into it.
  5. Banning staff member here, You made a ticket the next day of you LTAPing. Charlie Fray (Bodges) and William Richardson (James) had arrested you and you left the server during the arrest. James had to go to go do something IRL so he didnt ban you himself. You made the ticket the next morning and I dmed the arresting officer, James. He said that you had left the server during the arrest, but couldn't ban you himself. You have a MULTITUDE of LTAP PO's and Bans. You also directly admitted in the sit, that you got bored and didn't want to RP the arrest anymore because you had requested a lawyer and none were coming. If the arrest was false, or they went inactive, they did not, they adverted for a lawyer (which you requested) and then all parties had to wait, which is very common during arrests. Now for the google doc link being invalid, you should know by now that you need to make a ticket in that moment to report it. I honestly don't have anything else to say, you disconnected willing fully and you talking about your PO's by apologizing means that you should know better by now since your first server join in 2021. That is 3 whole years and you still don't understand the rules or know common sense to make a ticket in that moment instead of dealing with it yourself by leaving the game and completely avoiding the RP as a whole.
  6. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    As I was the one who released you, you made a ticket asking to be un-transferred and said that the charges were dropped, no arrest warrant was provided, and that the officer directly falsely arrested you. I assumed this was correct because I'm a new staff member and moderator, I trusted your word and as I don't remember who anyone is in the server, I didn't even look at your PO's or Bans. It was my fault yes, but you only got released BECAUSE of you abusing my stupidity.
  7. only recently was it removed, because cars would just stop working and no one knew what it did. you could never actually re-fill your car and everytime you respawned the car, it would give all your fuel back. IN MY OPINION, if it returned, it'd have to be fully implemented as so. Cars drain fuel from driving. Cars fuel amount is saved to stop respawning it to get it full. Gas pumps OR gas items to refill cars far away from the station.
  8. His gun was on safety for a solid second after you decided to shoot and pointed it very clearly away from you. The victim is NOT the one who should be telling you commands. You are the police officer, you are supposed to take charge of the situation, like in real life. In the victims head, just think about it for a second, he thought, and was, in the right, he wouldn't be held up to the expectation of "I need to tell this guy I just did right", because as an officer, you are meant to analyze the situation. Your PO's simply reflect what type of person you are. And you showed it time and time again that you are trigger happy. He had a single fire glock, at most he'd be able to injure you before you got 1 shotgun shot off and killing him. If he was truly a threat, why didn't you make a pk ticket to get this guy's character pked? Because he was not a threat nor did he ever fire at you. He put his gun on safety as fast as he could because a lot was happening at the time and he probably handled it the best out of anyone there by putting his gun on safety after realizing you were a cop. I mean this in the least disrespectful manor ever, but have you seen any of your hostage "negotiation" clips? 80% of the time, its someone already dealing with it or a non-threat hostage taker, you walk in, shoot them, walk out, call it a day.
  9. Hello there, banning staff member here. You have 9 PO's and are clearly a repeat offender of RDM. This is a roleplay server, and you need to roleplay every once in a while. Shooting someone with zero interaction or commands to the player like saying at minimum "Put your hands up", which a police officer would do in real life. You instead decided to instantly shoot instead of investigate the situation. In the clip the guy was clearly trying to help the cop from getting killed by the Taxi Driver slamming them into the car. You gave zero commands to the person with the gun, and ontop of that, he specifically pointed the gun away from you, above into the sky then put the gun on safety. The person who clipped this and reported you posed zero threat. If you took at least 2 seconds to get the full situation out of the only person still alive in the area, you could've seen that he was simply trying to help your fellow NYPD officer. As a banning note I put this exactly. 9 PO's for RDM, ARDM, hes very trigger happy and refuses to do any roleplay in scenarios before shooting first.
  10. good to see you still can't read
  11. sitting down spawns an invisible chair entity (if its the same addon i remember from like 2016), as long as the person using /doorkick knows how to aim at a person sitting down, it'll work. only restriction i'd personally add is if they're afk, OR sat down within the last 2 minutes just cause
  12. "You fucked my wife? Now im gonna murder ur daughter faggot."
  13. player vs player pk's happen every day.... Cops are held to a higher standard than regular players, I'm not 100% sure, but 1 of the reasons cops can easily PK people for hitting them is mainly because in every encounter with cops, if you could kill the cop, you would try to and not have any fear of losing the character, making cops completely useless.
  14. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    If your vehicle was genuinely stuck, in which it shouldn't of been in the first place like you an I both stated, you should've called staff. But you didn't and here we are now. You entered at your own will and disrupted other players roleplaying experience and you do this on a daily basis. If you entered at your own free will, and couldn't exit, you would've called a staff member if your intentions were anything but malicious.
  15. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    Hi there, banning Staff Member here. With your past 9 Past bans, 14 Notes, you should know the rules better and not do that. When I got the report, you were not making any attempt to leave the hospital with your monaco. With your experience, you should know by now not to do that in the first place. You on purpose drive into the hospital with a vehicle which is blatant minge already. With this here, you "messing" around, consists of you minging and failrping, you're seen doing this on a consistent basis based on not only your PO's, but from others experience of your characters.
  16. if you willingly give your ID to a cop, it means you have a license, if you dont, you either run or shoot the cop...
  17. anyone who doesnt vote the 870 has a shitty attachments build sorry to say. not only can it become a ranger with more damage, AND can also become a sniper with the right attachments and buckshot
  18. very true, couldnt think of why i was about to downvote it but this was it tracking down items that are sold or traded off then staff have to reverse all of that, it just gets annoying especially if its a highly traded/sold item.
  19. pks is a BIG money taker from the server economy, and a good reason to keep it that way. Obviously you wouldn't get access to their banks or anything but I do agree that their current wearing clothes should be dropped on pk. Exception of cops, they shouldn't get anything from the people they kill. (I am a cop and this is an unbias opinion)
  20. also if you're well known enough, even NOT giving out your ID people will recognize you. For example, Walter "Lee Harvey Oswald" Dunbar, even cops recognize me even tho they dont have my f3, I'm just known. (sometimes might be metagame, but they can still easily recognize me without my f3)
  21. semi-true and not at the same time. The cop wont recognize you, but 90% of the time they look at your ID, you're into the system for some sort of note or ticket and that usually jog's their memory when they see that THEY made the note/ticket.
  22. you're playing a mafia server, you arent invincible.
  23. cool in theory, but hard to re-produce optimally. i did make one for this past Christmas, but once again, any rain/snow effects that arent built directly into the map are going to be laggy for clients.
  24. all these things yall are saying are very possible with the current limits in the server lmao
  25. with NO limits, I would say cross-server syncing (web posting for player positions) for a max of 256 players. do-able but would be very laggy like that roblox and minecraft mod compatibility thing. also multiple levels of the map, for example snow, rain, night, day, all in 1 map, seamless theme changes would be crazy. (obv would need lua refresh on tho)
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