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Everything posted by anzati1

  1. Banning admin here, You got banned for the 3 reasons because of your mugging group. Unlucky that you got involved. Not only was it a mugging group, with intentions of ruining other's roleplay experiences, but you were abusing your alternative characters to buy guns and "sell" them to your friends. When asking the rest of the group about their intentions with the name of the group and their plans, they brought up "Detachment zero did it, why can't we?", your group was mugging multiple people very often, then asking the police department for money to release the prisoner. TLDR: Your only intention, as a group, was to involve police. Oh btw, I am still in the group chat so if you need proof, I can pull it all up for you. Along with my DM's with MVPMason. Unlucky you got caught in the group, but you knew that they were breaking multiple rules and yet you continued to affilate yourself with them. Metagaming, using discord DM's to communicate with eachother based on current events happening in the server. Char Abuse/Racket Abuse, intentionally buying from someone in the group, on an alternative character, to abuse the factions racket. Cop Baiting, you and your friends were on purpose, mugging multiple people a day, just to try to get ransom money out of the cops, in which they decided you were not worth their time so you continued to do so. The reason you got 4 weeks and the others got less or more time, is based on your playtime and PO's for other reasons. You have almost 6 days play time, 1 note on the 1st of June 2024, an RDM x3 Ban on the 23rd of June, then another RDMx2 ban on July 1st. By 2 bans, and a note, and 6 days playtime, you should learn to read the rules.
  2. Do you want to change your ban appeal to fit the proper allegations? All you talk about in the appeal is cop baiting.
  3. Before I say the whole “banning admin here” text, you should go back and re-read your ban reason.
  4. Banning admin here, You got banned for the 3 reasons because of your mugging group. Unlucky that you got involved. Not only was it a mugging group, with intentions of ruining other's roleplay experiences, but you were abusing your alternative characters to buy guns and "sell" them to your friends. When asking the rest of the group about their intentions with the name of the group and their plans, they brought up "Detachment zero did it, why can't we?", your group was mugging multiple people very often, then asking the police department for money to release the prisoner. TLDR: Your only intention, as a group, was to involve police. Oh btw, I am still in the group chat so if you need proof, I can pull it all up for you. Along with my DM's with MVPMason.
  5. Banning admin here, You were banned for RDM and obviously PKed because you shot a cop. When killing cops for potentially receiving a felony, they need to state that they are arresting or detaining you, or physically doing so, like handcuffing, or tasing you. In this case, they were not. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ime1z3sHm59xhS4qt/EK7oTgKIuY1P?invite=cr-MSxGNHUsMjU1Mjg4ODM3LA Now for the length of 21 days, this is because of your very recent notes and bans. Relevant bans & notes below. 11th of June, Punch Minge. 1st of July, RDM. 9th of July, LTARP. 25th of July, LTARP Notes 28th of June, RDM 3rd of July, RDM 25th of July, RDM 28th of July, VDM. This is a long list of RDM related bans and notes, and you really do not seem to learn your lesson or read the rules. If you didn't notice, the more you break rules on a consistent basis, the larger the punishments will be. You have 4 days 3 hours playtime, and not accounting in your current ban, you have 12 days and 6 hours of bans combined.
  6. Follow the format
  7. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    Ban is almost up, but from reading everything, you still did break the rules. Staff are not expected to telepathically read a disconnected players mindset. If there was truly something wrong with the initial arrest, you should've stayed on the server, and gotten staff to void the RP. Not disconnect and get yourself in more trouble. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  8. The message also says something else! It says 'Join the discord to make a ticket' or something along those lines.... discord.gg/diverge Your steam account was created TODAY though....
  9. Seeing the facts and even witnessing it myself (game wasn't focused but I did see it happening after, later), you were teleported out of the chair multiple times, there was a large group of players around you telling you what's wrong and how you should stop doing it, yet you continued to do it. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  10. Wipe the drool off your mouth, if you even read the appeal, I didn't ban him, actually infact I didn't ban this person ONCE, I havn't even warned them ONCE.
  11. I counted 5 bans towards failname. 17 Dec 2023, 06 Jan 2023, 18 Dec 2022, 17 Aug 2022, 02 Aug 2022, You also said you know the ways of moderation, its kinda like if someone VDM's, it counts towards an RDM PO. You have 17 notes and 17 bans.... Eventually you would read the rules maybe and just roleplay properly? Ontop of that, 'Extensive PO's' means you've been breaking too many rules and refuse to follow them as a whole, not individually needing to be "RDM" or "FailMug" etc... Also, why now appeal? I know for a fact its because Rem isn't here anymore and you think someone else might offer more lienciecy, genuine question. You were permabanned on March 27th, 2024, that is 116 days if im correct.
  12. Banning admin here, As a cop you need to make some sort of arrest attempt, as I stated in the admin sit. This was a non-violent crime and you instantly resorted to your firearm. Once again, the van is no collided, the van did not try to run you over, the person was committing a non-violent crime, the person was not a threat to you or public safety, the van stopped multiple times and you continued shooting, you could've done /doorkick multiple times to kick them out of the vehicle. Nearing the end of the sit, I was asking what you thought was fair for the ban length, after our discussion of your PO's you said, and I quote word for word, "Go ahead, permaban me, I don't care". Here is the clip for context, along with a screenshot of your extensive PO's related to the RDM. Bans July 2nd, Mass RDM June 27th, NITRP, RDM, Punch Minge Notes June 27th, RDM https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iiSuWy7HF1XMhTWCg/mOcjpUcqTd1J?invite=cr-MSxYYTcsMjUyODczMDg3LA As I said in the sit, multiple times, you do not know the rules and have zero intent on actually following them. You stated multiple times that you have not read the rules, yet you joined the server in 2022 and the notes/bans started to come in at around 2023? You have no intent to roleplay, nor follow server rules. In the sit, you said loud and proud you were fully confident in the killing, this was not an IC issue because of the points I've stated above.
  13. Banning admin here, Genuinely not much to say.... Your 'gang' had killed the cop less than a couple minutes prior, then you go to the PD and hold out a gun, cop asks for ID, you instantly shoot him no questions asked. Its only a 1 day ban and heres the clip.... https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iiUxWPWMbWJJupJtm/d1337P1YqUwA?invite=cr-MSxoU2QsMTc4NjUyOTE0LA
  14. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 2 days from now.
  15. Looking at all the facts and the rules, this does not look like false corruption, plain corruption yes maybe, but that is dealt with ICly via IA reports and witnesses etc... Your PO's do make you look guilter than you actually are, so in this case the ban will be reduced to 2 days from now as you've already served 6 days. The reasoning for the reduction and not a complete removal, is that the rules do still state that cop minging is not tolerated, and with your extensive PO's you should know better than to minge, especially on a cop character. Also, your PD blacklist will be reverted and you will have to face the consequences (if any) in character as expected when beating down that person.
  16. +1 mature and seems fit for staff, I think he'd do his job and do it good.
  17. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    Are we not gonna talk about your friend who was also just safetying a gun, then unsafetying his gun constantly? Wasn't he saying something along the lines of "its not loaded"?... You keep saying "it spanned over 20 minutes", but I banned you based on the situation at hand like I've said a thousand times. You say "they clearly started to RDM bait", but your friend was literally pointing a gun at them for an extensive amount of time.... Once again, if you read what I said, the whole thing about the sit mismatch, I saw a single ticket that was related to "whiteshirts might cause havoc", and no other sit about it, no ID's given, no explanation given or nothing. If someone else made a sit DURING the situation or even AFTER the situation, they would've been punished further, sadly you took matters into your own hand and killing multiple innocent people for no reason. Once again, I banned you for the situation at hand that was proposed during the sit, not any of the other stuff that happened, if the other stuff was reported, I would've punished them for that, but nothing was properly reported. Its not bias or anything you can make up in your head, you just happened to have the PO's and your reasoning for shooting them was "I assumed they were all the same", you pre-emptively shot people that were not involved because you knew it wouldn't of given them a chance to fight back.
  18. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    Yes they were RDM baiting, but not in the situation you were punished for. That was a completely different sit and you're taking it out of context, I put a stop to it after someone reported it, NO ONE REPORTED IT PRIOR. Never once saw a ticket from you, I was on almost 2 hours prior to the entire thing going down. They arrived approx 15 minutes before the sit happened. Not unfair, and its simply just how the server operates, if you have previous offenses, it means you still have not learned your lesson, and clearly you didn't because here we are again. "Bias and unfair", yet I let you explain your side, and I let the others explain too. I even had to gag the other side because they were talking over you and myself constantly during the sit. But you "forgot" to mention that I'm assuming? Once again, I genuinely do not remember who anyone is nor do I care, I forget half of the sits I take because 1. I take so many and 2. I don't care enough to stay involved in server drama/politics. You should know by now, witnesses do not mean anything. We simply cannot trust someones word, whats to say they won't just say "he didnt do it", it just causes more problems. With all these clips and "lengthy videos" of the situation(S) at hand, yet you only post the TWO clips that are out of context. Clip #1, in that SOLE situation, they were RDM baiting by trespassing, then instantly shooting back after a non-active threat was proposed. The man behind the counter was simply defending his property. In the timeline, this happened after your 3 kills (from my understanding as no one was there anymore, and it was just those three left.) Clip #2, once again, different situation that had almost zero relevancy to the situation YOU got banned for. If they were RDM baiting or breaking any other server rules, you should've reported it, you said you did, but you simply didn't. I was on for 2 hours prior and not a single report came in about RDM baiting or "three whiteshirts", the only remotely close sit was "whiteshirts about to minge" You gave zero information on the situation and I was the only staff member on at the time needing to take other sits. TLDR: The extensive paragraphs of your "defense" solely talk about a different situation at hand, yes I agree they were rdm baiting IN THAT DIFFERENT SITUATION, but not in the one that you killed three people for, in which NONE of them were active threats, and TWO of them were purely spectating. I didn't investigate it much, but apparently you were NLRing and Metagaming too.
  19. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    Banning admin here, You were banned because even you admit, it was "over 30 minutes". Simply put, you were unbanned the 4th of this month for Mass RDM. That is a very recent previous offense for the same thing. Your friend got shot, who initiated the combat, he got killed for it. (you were not even at the scene to watch him die). You specifically chose NOT to post any of the clips of the actual incident. You instantly assumed all three were together, and killed them all. Wait for my reply to rebuttal on more information. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iePEVr0yphf-WK0q9/d1337Q5yHIbX?invite=cr-MSxFM2csNzcyMjcyMTEs https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iePEP1YHjFSILqvdg/d1337IFuYasr?invite=cr-MSwzTFosNzkyNzY2ODYs
  20. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    “Did not consider the rules”, if we read up on vdm, it says it’s basically based on INTENT, and if they’re in the road or not. Your friend was in the road and got ran over, like I said in the sit it was HIS FAULT for being ran over, therefore you cannot act on it. Apologetic or not, your notes still count as POs, if it was truly a mistake then you wouldn’t have the note in the first place, the reason for a ban and not a note was because how recent it was, you clearly did not learn from that last sit to read up on the rules so that’s why it’s a ban.
  21. anzati1

    Ban Appeal

    Banning admin here, As I told you in the sit, there were 3 people on your side. Driver of the polish white car, guy who got "ran over" and you. A polish white car slammed a cop car with 2 civilians in it, it seemed on purpose and it was their fault for hitting the cop car and slamming your friend in between the two cars. This was all done in the road and was unintentional, but tldr: your friend caused your other friend to die, it was not the cop car driving by that killed him. You then hesitated and waited for the cop car to drive away to shoot them even though they stopped and waited to see your response. It was not VDM as it was not intentional, and was in a road, just unfortunate that your friend was standing in the middle of two cars, but also even more unfortunate that your OTHER friend, driving the polish car, all the sudden decided "hey lets ram this guy in between two cars". You said multiple times in the sit that it WASNT roleplay for two civilians to be driving a cop car, but yes it is, they stole it. Then now you're saying its roleplay to shoot them for your friend in the white car to be slamming him? No, I don't think so. Vigilante roleplay does not exist on this server, you are not a cop, it is not your business to be helping PD retrieve their stolen vehicle by killing two men driving it.
  22. -1 Giant text wall, and generally is saying its AI produced. 91%..... "Their arrival was met with curiosity and admiration, as American riders were drawn to Trust's unique blend", mf who says that....
  23. Backstory is on private
  24. add school buses to drive around and tanks. lets add some fucking tanks, give tanks to the taxi workers and just blow up entire blocks of the map. we should add tanks, infinite ammo. +1 me for president.
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