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Hans Hunnebun

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Everything posted by Hans Hunnebun

  1. so if marzii got banned for cheating on other servers why this nigga still here
  2. im off a perc u might not have shot my legs but still engaged and you shot me in the sewers on your cop char or valentina sprayed me
  3. https://medal.tv/?contentId=imdEG2RvonICnyoBJ&invite=cr-MSw1d1IsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA&spok=d1337CtaEDTR smoked me out and did damage to me and shot my legs like 10 seconds before the clip. Someone fact check that in the logs
  4. so clearly u did not look at the clips in my appeal or take time to read everything i said to describe what happened
  5. so when this guy gets perma banned for obviously being a blatant hacker he gets a chance to send a screenshot / screenshare his shit but when I offer to rundown ALL of my shit aint no one care https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ibXSmmdtlLaprva3o
  6. Yall really ban people bc of server desync. I legit offered to screenshare all OF MY SHIt . Obviously im not cheating. U think someone hack,ing would offer to screenshare on the dot ALL OF their files / gameplay
  7. Admitting to rdm that happened only because i got flashed banged from a roof by u and shot at me and broke my legs so obviously i thought cops were trying to kill me . Also I think its crazy that you are so sure im hacking when im literally not. So if I was not being targeted that rdm would have never happened. It would be soo crazy to believe that you wrong.
  8. i understand what your getting at but trying to convince me that im hacking aint gonna work because ik im not . Also did u simulate on the wall again or lockers and a person because that shit makes a difference
  9. You would happen to be wrong , it would be great if people could actually do some pvp with a pm9 then pull up. I will say tho that was a lucky shot
  10. kinda hard to toggle on and off something that aint there because im not cheating and its crazy to think i might actually be good at the game |also that the pm9 is broken like chingy said if u fight someone close range with it its like a insta kill fr btw jaceob the lockers ricochet
  11. not my proudest gmod pvp moment but this should show something
  12. for a different situation some guy was rdm baiting so i called a sit and i think jaecob took it if im right. I loaded a mag into this guy and not a bullet hit so he could not bring him to the sit https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ili5VWqOVW6def95w/d1337lURwlQX?invite=cr-MSxzem4sMTk3ODk5MjU1LA
  13. pk baiting by trying to take someones clothes
  14. my crosshair is not that small to start with and he was running backward so i encourage people to simulate this situation pm9's shred
  15. 1 bullet hit the locker the other hit him in the face. Pretty easy to see i was also swaying so the pm9 has quite a bit of spread also
  16. Your Character or Steam Name: Hans Hunnebun / James Spintavion Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:628592126 Your Discord ID#:crispytacos0438 Reason for ban: global rule 1 "hacking" Length of ban: permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):dispute Why should you be unbanned? Firstly, bc im not hacking. But, it all started when me and two other people lockpicked into Napoli and initiated a mugging with a tenant there. He broke fear rp, called a sit and got him pk'd. In the clip, later on I was told that it looks like my bullets didnt even hit him but which would sort of make sense where the pm9 is all over the place but the direct screenshot they provided was me only shooting one bullet away and blood being plattered. In the same split frame/u can also see another bullet hitting the guy which would make sense to why there was blood hitting him. In the second image you can see the bullet that hit the guy. After this altercation the guy was pk'd and I had no idea I was had no accusations of "Cheating" at this time. All my friends got off so I devoted my time to trying to help some guy run from the cops. So , I went and bought him medkits and started running back to the townhouse he was at. Once I got to townhouse 1 I was being shot at so I started looking around and noticed a guy on top of the building parallel from Napoli. To escape his bullet I hid by a tree under that section of roofs to stay hidden and to use a splint to change my appearance. Also to switch up my body group so whoever was shooting at me would quit and be fooled. Once I got my leg in tact I started booking it toward the back of the silver tounge to hit the sewers .Shortly before I started running out of the tree though a flash bang hit me. At this point obviously I thought cops were trying to kill me because who else would have a flash bang. Anyways tho I ran to the back of the silver tounge and a cop pulled up on me. Being unaware that I was being Baited , I blasted the cop because I thought cops were trying to kill me I do admit I did rdm the cop but it was a really weird situation sorry about that. Hit the sewers and started booking it. Valentina reed and Melissa white started chasing me, dont know where they came from but they started blasting me through the dark tunnels. So i put my hands up and surrendered . They took me to the end of the sewers after I explained the "weird" situation I was in.(being set up) Then , they just said this never happened and let me go so I was confused as fuck . Forgot to mention in the sewers I called a sit and asked why the fuck cops were trying to kill me and azanti just basically brushed it off. But, once we came out of the sewers the cops left me , untied me so I made my way to truttoria or however u spell it . I was outside there and asked a guy for a split, he gave me one, so I gave him 1k. Walked over to the corner across from the tire shop and was looking at a guy on a roof near city hall that was unarmed. Then, I got shot at again from who knows where so I booked it to the ghetto and rented a room and locked myself in there. Called a sit again, Azanti pulled up and told me he dont know whats happening but if the guy lockpicks I can defend my self.(getting set up because thought I was cheating) so I third person through the walls and see a black guy with a rifle. Me not realizing that I was being set up I thought I was pk active so being the top shotta I am I started listening to baby kia and when he lockpicked in I killed him. I would also like to say before I show all these clips that if I was hacking to yall think I would go in third person to take advantage of a gun fight . Live leak in de leon discord is full me of me shitting on people. Btw I use a pink crosshair that u have to download with steam u could also verify that with all my recruitment logs there is a crosshair in every id I uploaded has a crosshair on it.. I never really thought I would get banned from the server I play every day for literally just being good . Also I was not about to try to win a gunfight with a nigga on a roof with a pm9 because im not cheating . I offered to hop in a call with the staff and screenshare but he aint care and you could tell I thought he was fucking with me saying I was hacking. Being able to ban someone because they are good at the game/ off a hunch should not be allowed and should be seen as abuse of power. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ime7FoVoR0WewccUo/d1337FOlIHuY?invite=cr-MSxNWjYsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ime0KdqTe-p3vItRY/d1337e1PJ26l?invite=cr-MSxEMUIsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imdEG2RvonICnyoBJ/d1337CtaEDTR?invite=cr-MSw1d1IsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imbjj9u7PFjLT6T6t/d1337sTt6AfV?invite=cr-MSxWNGYsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA
  17. "The ban was originally for a week due to me thinking you killed a lot more people. But after viewing your logs I lowered it" if the wording was off and u didnt think i killed anyone why did u lower it exactly if u knew i didnt kill anyone. Also did not even get brought to a sit to even have explained to me why I was being banned to sight another ban appeal where the time was messed up | it got deemed invalid
  18. i dont recall killing anyone or trying to kill anyone At the time I got banned i had only dropped 1 off the building and ran not in the mass or do i recall killing anyone bc im pretty sure stove bombs cant kill anyone to start with pretty sure i killed no one so dont know what u mean by saying i killed someone. Might wanna check the logs
  19. Your Character or Steam Name: Osama al assad Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:628592126 Your Discord ID#:crispytacos0438 Reason for ban:Stove bombing Length of ban:1 week | never mind it got changed to 2 days thankfully Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology / dispute Why should you be unbanned? I had no idea that stove bombing was against the rules to start with. When I was newer to the server I was told that you could stove bomb just not police stations and government property without ua approval or something like that. So, when I threw a bomb of little italy I was trying to roleplay as a terrorist and have a run in with the police. I have seen many other people be arrested for stove bombing / arson in my time in this server and have never seen anyone get banned for it. I think its kind of odd that me specifically got banned for such a stupid thing. I do apologize for stove bombing / "minging"even though as I was not aware it was in the rules and Ive seen sooo many people act like terrorists and never get banned. Everything I did I tried to keep in rp. Also shittor changed the ban reason like 2 times Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  20. I was under the assumption I was pk active because my roles had been stripped in the discord and people that was in the faction were banging on my door in the ghetto and walking around my shit third person peaking into the room so this made me think I had orders on me. With this in my mind, I decided to escape the ghetto when I thought it was safe and shoot one of the people I thought could have put orders on me, but clearly that did not go well.
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