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Jæcob ッ

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Jæcob ッ last won the day on June 20 2024

Jæcob ッ had the most liked content!

About Jæcob ッ

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  1. not the worst idea, would be a good QoL addition... you just have to find one that works and is able to be saved with dupes
  2. as a callaghan consig, we haven't struggled a single time during an event... progression is actually fairly easy in this server, just takes time and effort for it to happen.
  3. 10/10 rage bait, onto the next one
  4. fuck it, give bro a shot + faction apps are dead +1
  5. Jæcob ッ

    buff fishing

    +1 maybe i can finally make profit on my tasmanian crab racket
  6. mfs be too worried abt their gmod character lmfao
  7. hell nah. get some more playtime lil bro -1
  8. not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment
  9. barge feels much too close to the map, i say we triple the distance for rp reasons
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