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vasectomy last won the day on January 23

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  1. sorry guys its too much for chatgpt :(((( maybe chatgpt 5 will find the solution : ) for now, one solution I have is to write a google doc everytime you wanna transfer multiple items, lets say a 100 words per item so for example lets say this bonehead retard wants to transfer 64 whiskey, he'll have to write a 6400 words google doc idk what you should write about in the google doc i just really like google docs and excel sheets because its what i learned in high school and when the teacher would give us assignements that had to do with google docs or excel sheets i would just flap my hands (autistic stimming!!!) of excitement!!!
  2. yes it would cause an immense amount of lag, the server would basically be unplayable
  3. while we're at it, I suggest we add this feature from minecraft where if you shift click an item while also holding the same type of item, it transfers all items of that type
  4. im banning the next person that doesnt correctly embed their gif
  5. this is how you embed a gif you fucking retard
  6. -1 if I see you try to appeal again Im gonna stretch your asshole big like a soccer ball
  7. @Svennebananyour profile picture is gay you should kill yourself

  8. -1 youre all a bunch of fat losers "waah waah im too lazy to press a mouse button with my fat greasy fingers i dont have the strenght to hold left click for more than 1 second please can the video game play itself, im too busy shoving goyslop down my throat "
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