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Seasoned Administrator
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Everything posted by adam

  1. this reminds me of those memes where the guy is so desperate for a girls attention he fakes cancer or some crazy shit, just come clean. maybe then you'll be taken seriously
  2. +1 tobins would be a good FL and would have no problems running it with ease
  3. adam

    Character Ban?

    Hello! I am the PKing admin. You were involved in a mugging, and broke FearRP. You attempted to draw your firearm and kill the person mugging you, and failed. This was the clip provided to me, which clearly shows you breaking FearRP, which then resulted in your PK. Please follow the character appeal format, I'll provide a link here.
  4. adam

    pk appeal

    Hello, I am the staff member that oversaw your PK. You were PKd by your faction high command. The orders placed on you stated that you disrespected your high command, which they are allowed to kill for. You accepted the risks of joining a criminal faction, as seen by this prompt you accepted when you first joined.
  5. Hello! Banning admin here. I banned both you and another player for a situation where you created new characters, and immediately ran off to mug someone. These characters were created the same day, and had done nothing except item transfer, and mug. I decided against PKing any characters involved as all of the mugged items were returned to the owner with ease. I let you both off with a very light sentence, given you both were extremely apologetic. In one of the images you provided, you state "I'm gonna make pungun pay for this if it's the last thing I do". I highly suggest you DO NOT do that, as it will more than likely result in further punishment on your end. Note for whoever reviews this appeal: I spoke with the victim of this situation, and he would like this person unbanned, as the victim has accepted Fever's apology.
  6. adam

    Ban Appeal

    banning admin here! for anyone looking over this, here's why he was banned. as i said in your sit, don't have your fov super high so this situation doesn't happen when you cheat elsewhere!
  7. adam

    Flag Appeal

    I watched you multiple times attempt to prop push a car into a crowd of people, on multiple occasions. You do have a note prior, which is why I took your flags.
  8. The PD discord has something similar, however it's turned into a show off your pk messages channel
  9. Hello! Banning admin here. I thought I changed the time on your ban to 12 hours, that's my fault. I'm asking for this to be removed from your account, due to the fact I messed up on your ban timer.
  10. Despite only ever seeing this guy as a minge, he's recently changed for the better. I've been noticing a lot more positive RP interactions, and a lot less staff sits involving him. Biggest turn around of the year, and I believe he deserves a chance to prove his major increase in maturity here, too. +1
  11. Hello! Banning admin here. I banned you for two weeks for a multitude of reasons. 1. In the clip I was given, you had every chance to drive past the person, and follow their earlier command to leave the area. Instead, you proceeded to intentionally drive into them. 2. The person you ran over was never an active threat, as their firearm was never pointed at you. 3. Long list of POs for VDM/RDM, and you're laughing in the clip, showing no remorse for your rule breaking. 4. You were already banned on the 9th for being a minge. 5. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i69ht8KMAFCwHcLsi/GkKubD5YILgf?invite=cr-MSxxbEEsNDUwMjc5Niw?mobilebypass=true Here's the clip I was provided!
  12. Hello, banning admin here. I banned you for a month due to your multiple POs. I'd be willing to reduce it, although given what was stated on your permanent ban appeal, I am going to wait for a seasoned admin+ to accept or deny your appeal.
  13. Hello! Banning admin here. I had your ban extended permanently due to the fact you doubled down on the fact you were a pedophile when I asked if you were rping as a pedo, or just thinking you're funny. Not only that, your description was also "Im a Pedo". https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i1wlEryyH9T-xPiCk/d1337rPYupzt?invite=cr-MSxnckwsMTk3MzQzNTg2LA
  14. he listed a diff steamid !
  15. how are you this retarded?
  16. Huge +1. Priors aside, I've had many RP instances with him and have never seen him act on OOC information. Only negative thing I've seen on this app is a mention of the Christmas incident, please don't bring it up again. All jokes aside, Morty would be a great candidate for staff.
  17. -1, same reasons listed above. Suggestion - change the name of your character to your staff one, considering you're always character locked to it. May make things easier. Have a good rest of your weekend, I look forward to your response!
  18. +1 great RPer, unbiased, and knows how to take a joke. overall great guy, would be an amazing addition to the team
  19. -1 Your SteamID is improper, you didn't link the correct Steam account, and you don't know how to use a spellchecker. You also have next to no time played, you really should get that up before applying.
  20. Hello! 1/2 of the PKers here, this wasn't RDM. These are all valid reasons for a Don's Order. You should have read the prompt before being accepted into a Crime Family. The other was @James. Here's the PK guidelines, I suggest you read them.
  21. adam


    Any relevant evidence was sent to UA, which you were banned for. You don't mean enough to me for me to develop any sort of bias against you, so I'm unsure where that came from.
  22. adam


    I think telling you that it's weird, and questioning you about it is more than enough for you to realize you should stop adding someone. So, just to make sure we're on the same page here - you're saying you never added me?
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