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Everything posted by adam

  1. Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.
  2. This should have been handled ICly, however I'm a little concerned this could have been targeting, given you had another character with the nickname "#1 Altoviti Hater". There's a pattern developing here, however I'm going to accept your appeal because I expect you to do everything to prevent this pattern from further developing. You're on extremely thin ice, and your PET flags will be removed from you again if you're seen abusing them in the slightest.
  3. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  4. From the video posted by Anzati, it's crystal clear you intentionally drove into those players. After hitting these people, you turned your car so it would run the rest of the crowd over (Note the attached image). The wheels do not change direction by hitting the curb, they only move when the driver presses the designated key(s). Regarding your recent ban reason, VDM is still a form of RDM as it's still a random deathmatch, just with a vehicle.
  5. adam

    flag appeal

    Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.
  6. adam

    flag appeal

    If you misuse them again, they'll be removed again and your chances of having them returned are extremely slim.
  7. adam

    flag appeal

    This is a very broad statement, and not very convincing. If you were to receive your PET flags back, what's stopping you from doing this again?
  8. adam

    char appeal

    Hello! PKing staff here - You were PKed for initiating a violent confrontation with the police. Here's the clip.
  9. adam

    Flag Appeal

    Admin who took your flags here - I removed your flags on the 29th at the same time as your ban, after you went across multiple characters and started minging, metagaming and powergaming at the meat shop. You then went back on another character, and proceeded to continue your spree of rule breaking, this time with your PET flags. Have a great rest of your day/night.
  10. I have realized that this is stupid, and reduces the value of cocaine.
  11. Hello, PKing admin here! Simply stating "F7 hands" is not even remotely close to metagame. You were placed under fearRP, told to put your hands in the air, which you didn't do. You then proceeded to unlock your car, and get in it, while being told that if you drive away, you'll be killed. You proceeded to ignore these warnings, and drive off. You were then shot, and killed. The following is straight from the server rules, found here. FearRP Rule 1: "While under fearrp it's recommended you oblige by the commands of your captor, if you attempt to escape or pull out a weapon to fight back but are killed that would display a disregard for your own safety, a calculated risk you took which failed, resulting in your PK. (In some circumstances a PK does not apply, view pk rules for more information.)" You attempted to escape, and failed. Therefore, your actions resulted in your PK. Once again, I highly suggest you read the server rules, as it would really suck if this were to happen a second time. I hope you have a great rest of your day!
  12. PKing admin here - I PKd you after you made a ticket requesting for the victim of your mug to be PKd, after you died and your friend killed him. I heard you and your friend speaking in a discord call, which is against the rules and invalidates your attempt at mugging. However, it doesn't invalidate the fact you died WHILE mugging, which is a valid PK as stated in the rules. Regarding your metagaming, I deemed a note on both yours and your friends profile and this PK as enough of a punishment, given you never even got to tie him up. I hope you have a great rest of your day.
  13. Admin who banned you here - The situation was brought to my attention when a player had made a report against you, and shared their POV of the clip you linked. You shot and killed someone who had ran you over, which is fine. The second kill in this clip is RDM, both myself and another staff member agreed on this. He hit the brakes as you shot, and you then stepped out of the way. You then shot him as he was driving away. If you're being bothered by minges, make a ticket. Just because someone else is breaking the rules, does not give you the right to break them. Given your POs, you should know what's considered a valid kill. I hope you have a great rest of your day, and good luck on your appeal.
  14. +1 rdm montage, not enough wallet stealing going on though. you should try and stay true to your country of choice!
  15. Hello! PKing admin here. Your reason for being PKed was for breaking internal family rules. You accepted the prompt (shown below), and were aware of the risks. You've been PKed 5 times in a little under a week, I'm starting to think you should self reflect before calling anyone a retard. Have a great rest of your night.
  16. I am not using evidence against you, simply providing context.
  17. adam


    join a faction by walking around the map and asking for a job
  18. You have previously lied / used AI on your applications before, so I'm going to continue to post this as an information dump for whoever reviews your app - Another thing Id like to add. While im not directly accusing you of this because these sites can be faulty at times, I believe your answer to the "A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?:" question was written with AI. I checked it against MULTIPLE different AI detectors and they had determined it was AI written. I will be posting screen shots in the form of imgur links below. also you were previously caught using AI for the bar exam, again not directly accusing you, it is something to note. I will also be supplying a screen shot of this. https://imgur.com/3w12FAM https://imgur.com/UpYKQVx https://imgur.com/S7pli3L https://imgur.com/GDJ9mUF Additionally, while this is not a big deal it just raises some eyebrows. On your first staff application which was made 09/13/2023 you had said you were 17 years old, on your next one 11/8/2023 2 months later you say you are 19, on this application you say you are 19 as well. Again, not that big of an issue just questionable "Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?" 1st application - https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=6551 2nd application - https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=6822
  19. shittor has also requested you take his name off the list. i highly suggest you reach out to the other staff members and ask if they still want to recommend you, if you haven't already started doing so.
  20. recommendations are like job referrals - ask them if they're still okay with being a referral before you send a potential employer your resume. take my name off this list, thanks
  21. I didn't flashbang you from a roof? What? I broke your legs during a RP scenario involving myself and another, after we watched you gun a third police officer down. I then released you, as we had no evidence besides our affidavits which wouldn't hold up in court, as well as to not waste my time, or yours. Regarding this clip, he was going to be banned regardless. I just wanted to see if he was going to send a screenshot of his cheats or not.
  22. Hello, admin involved with the situation here. I was the "black guy with a rifle". Anyway, I highly suggest all of you do some research on how these things work before commenting. Before I get started on this, whichever staff ends up looking over this appeal, it's littered with this player admitting to multiple other rule breaks. Here's a picture of his gun, after firing 2 bullets. I left my crosshair in the image to provide a clear image as to where his would be (roughly). If you look at the lockers behind the target, you will see both bullets impact behind him. The only bullet that could have possibly hit him, is bullet #1, which is marked in the image below. If you line this up with impact #1, you'll see they don't line up. Now yes, we've seen this many times before, however it's impossible to curve / alter a bullets trajectory to this level. You'll also find another image attached of another person caught in the same situation, who had their appeal denied.
  23. I was the admin who banned you a while ago, so I'm replying to give some light on the situation. You not only admitted to cheating, you also were somehow stupid enough to say my characters last name. I find this post oddly hilarious, considering you quite literally were cheating on as in your own words "a game over a decade old". Anyway, here's a link to a therapy website, I suggest you use it. You're clearly in need of it. Have a great day!
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