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  1. npc lihurts high school clowns on u every day
  2. String

    pk wtf lmao

    pussy ass faction ngl and pussy ass gambinos niggas think ts is real life, get a life lame ass niggas
  3. String

    pk wtf lmao

    what??? all these reasons are bullshit all i did was name drop a dead don to a couple of gambinos that i am friends with. all these reasons are bull shit.
  4. lil bro trying to get me to +1 his app smh -1
  5. String

    pk wtf lmao

    niggas pked me over name dropping carlo gambino LOL
  6. String

    pk wtf lmao

    Name of Character: Leonardo Bianchi SteamID:STEAM_0:1:569612902 Your Discord ID#:armenian1998 Date of PK: 6/20/24 Reason for PK: i dont even know i did nothing wrong Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: i was afk at napoli, because i went to the park to walk with my mom then i come back and im pked wtf lmao can someone explain this??? I did nothing wrong If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
  7. +1 let little bro join staff, very mingy but eh roleplayer
  8. Yo why is this not a thing already, makes everything way faster and maybe limit it to 2 or 3 so not overpower. This should happen because makes sense irl.
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