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Gent last won the day on June 10

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  1. disagree, winchester does more damage and is better in general i gues benelli would be better in like close quarters and if your holding a door
  2. the firehouse guy just stood there and took it like a champ even though they missed 90% of their shots
  3. +1 good russians would be cool
  4. Gent

    Ban Appeal

    dude i love shooting nowhere near them, and it hits! dude i love when that happens. idk why bro self-reported
  5. Oh my god! When Police try to raid them for no reason excluding them being black, and camp the ghetto for multiple hours finding to arrest a black person why would they shoot them why they try to arrest one of their own? I couldn't tell you man +1 these guys cool af, and provide a lot of RP and its really fun
  6. this would be super fire, like use the NPC ingame for it
  7. glock wit da switch go hard (tec-9), or skorpion)
  8. Erm...... You said in litwerally in-character, and you were literally dwesrespecting them in a made ceromoney
  9. Please note how beating the case does not matter you still attracted unwanted police attention, you were also being disrespectful to a HC's wife, and ngl I don't know what the other girl is to him but his wife and his female friend. Also you said that "I BRIBED MAGGY FINCH, I PAID HER OFF TO GET ME OUT!" so I don't think it was declared self defense.
  10. yeah, I don't idk why Tokyo keeps saying that he'll think about you getting unpacked. It's low-key pissing me off. uhh no, you were PKED cause ur a goober, you shot someone in front of 5 cops (idiot POV), uh you got arrested 3 times uh, you bribed cops to get out of jail, and you disrespect certain people (IDRC about that but everyone else does) so you got dons orders written on u also he was there for the disrespect which was said erm ingame rah. so uh dons orders short and sweet rah!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. FUCK JMOORSEY I PKED HIM TODAY MINGE IDIOT +1 Eh... He's alright guy... App is decent, MAYBE possibly he'll be a good staff
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