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Everything posted by Bunni

  1. Been like that for a long time now, its a nice way to get a bit of money while running around as a civ.
  2. +1 He is pretty slay...
  3. Bunni

    F1 Menu

    Then don't press f1
  4. Bunni

    F1 Menu

    Just don't look at it
  5. Playlist and auto-play yes. The rest meh...
  6. the regular one could be consider yelling then just have lower range for whisper and talk
  7. Exists in other servers so it's possible to have a yell/talk and whisper range.
  8. So same way you can introduce yourself to someone without giving your f3 ?
  9. Especially when there are people joining a faction just to get the car then tries to leave and stay incognito.
  10. +1 A cool briish chap
  11. Ofc not...I just keep hearing he doesn't like anyone.....Funny
  12. I sometime wonder if there is anyone you actually do like
  13. +1 He a cool dude! Very honest, friendly and fair
  14. +1 Chill and friendly dude
  15. Bunni

    Idk how to delete

    -1 How is this unique? Weed farming with a gang has for long time been a thing. No need for a whole faction to do that
  17. Just getting hired and then pkd the same day is crazy
  18. We need Izumi's build powers! One of the best builders on the server!!!!
  19. Underrated Laventine crime family Overrated The Kosher Nostra .....jk love both equally!
  20. Very nice! would say there are only improvements! Maybe wish there was more ATM's but overall it's good!
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