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Unsatisfied last won the day on September 17

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About Unsatisfied

  • Birthday 12/17/2000

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  1. I own up to my mistakes. Rice Clan quit the server today and came forward. don't know if he's trying to clear your name but I never got certifiable proof of it, and if he says it didn't happen I guess I'll revoke my previous words. +1
  2. -1 paid a guy 100 USD to snitch on a faction while banned
  3. That was like 30-40 minutes before the pk. Also, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no issue telling people to show up somewhere as long as that's the extent of the communication.
  4. I agree an update to the in game pager would be nice.. But bro, you're just asking to metagame when doing deals. Not everything is supposed to be easy or streamlined. There's supposed to be risk to selling drugs. Also, cops can get access to rumours a lot easier than whatever method you were told. You're not supposed to feel safe when going to a drug deal with a stranger. Just take the proper precautions.
  5. Whispering would be cool, but making the voice longer range would give minges a new tool to mic spam more people at once.
  6. Last comment from me in this post. I'm surprised people are mad that I didn't call it out for Trey. It's uncommon for people to just gun it for people and run them over, especially for police. If I thought he mad malintent I would have taken my shotgun out sooner instead of moving out of the way. It's kind of valid though, so I guess I'll work on better verbal callouts. Other criticisms I feel don't hold enough value for me to address. After watching Oskar's perspective I personally find it challenging to believe he didn't know we were detectives, especially with the fact I have had past experiences with him in the same outfit I was wearing, and we had just had a small confrontation after our vehicles collided in the tunnel minutes prior. It also, especially from his perspective, looks like he was aiming for us. Although, that's just my word and speculation.
  7. I would be inclined to believe your story if you didn't just have a confrontation with us on the same road. Not even 2 minutes before that we had a collision where it disabled both our cars. Then you came back and ran one of us over. When there was a detective that you ran over stuck to the hood over the car your instinct wasn't to break or show any sign that it was a mistake. You kept going forward full speed and crashed into the wall, which if I'm being less than favorable, could be seen as another attempt to kill the detective on the hood of your car. It just killed you instead of him.
  8. -1 Just don't let a detective in your faction, problem solved.
  9. I feel like I'd be able to name one or two other reasons if "MAGGY PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER PLEASE" and "MAGGY TAKE ME ON A DATE" weren't the only sentences I hear from your mouth.
  10. -1 "MAGGY CAN I GET YO NUMBER" guy shouldn't be staff
  11. +1 Best Guy. Roe is a legend.
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