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Unsatisfied last won the day on January 29

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About Unsatisfied

  • Birthday 12/17/2000

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  1. +1 Yumeko has good rp and is really nice
  2. +1 https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtLIaHwnUqiAkShl7?invite=cr-MSxaVVIsMjIyMDYyOTE3LA
  3. If it was an aimbot wouldn't it have tracked on the guy that it flicked on, even if for a frame or two before it gets toggled off? It just looks at him and stops dead in it's track, the guy was also moving the entire time and I don't see any tracking, not even a frame. He's shooting still so he clearly hasn't registered what's happening even though the cursor stopped. You'd stop shooting before you toggle your aimbot, at least I'd think you would. The guy it targeted also wasn't even the next closest person to the crosshair, it was 2 guys over.
  4. I know Bingus will see this, shout out to that guy but sorry, your mansion is useless. The governors mansion takes up a large portion of the map and adds next to nothing for Roleplay and has been used in less events than you can count on your hands. The old townhouses created an area for people to own their own property and created fun roleplay. World Corp. also was another option for player owned property and some fun roleplay was held there. Either of those two options would add areas for roleplay and more people coming out of their properties to interact with each other more, also another place for cops to patrol. Remove Bingus's mansion and give us more townhouses or World Corp. in its place! Also people are mentioning that the Theater is useless, I agree, I haven't ever seen it used for anything other than drug deals. Remove it if it means more townhouses or bringing back World Corp.
  5. Although the implication that I am some master mind that set up the prefect situation to all line up and kill Morgan becuase he was working on the Charlie Budweiser case is flattering, it's also pretty ridiculous and full of holes. The reason the warrant wasn't redacted is becuase Hamir just got fired for serving a redacted warrant. It's also a new rule that we need to serve criminals the warrant when we raid their banks so the thought of redacting the warrant not only seemed like a bad idea but not realistically something we would have even needed to worry about till recently and clearly don't have and didn't know the systems in place to properly do that until now. On top of all of that, I didn't even know till reading this forums thread that Morgan was the detective working on the Charlie case. I was and still am confident that there was/is no ic evidence linking me or anybody involved with me to Charlie's death. Lastly, I don't even know John Deaux, I have 0 messages with him. I barely communicate with Laventine, just becuase we're in the same alliance doesn't mean I'd set up a whole plot with the risk that at best I would lose my spot in Detectives, something I clearly love and have lots of fun doing, and at worse get me perm banned. Morgan was legit just starting to grow on me and he was a damn good detective with solid results. His death legitimately will significantly decrease Detective productivity, the idea that I wanted that is dumb. I understand and am not mad at him for blaming me because from his seat it probably does seem like it was my fault, but with a wider angle of the entire situation it was clearly a mistake that I'm frustrated with too. This is Charlie just coping and hopping on the Unsatisfied conspiracy train, salty he got pk'd. Enjoy the money your faction didn't deserve and move on dude.
  6. I own up to my mistakes. Rice Clan quit the server today and came forward. don't know if he's trying to clear your name but I never got certifiable proof of it, and if he says it didn't happen I guess I'll revoke my previous words. +1
  7. -1 paid a guy 100 USD to snitch on a faction while banned
  8. That was like 30-40 minutes before the pk. Also, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no issue telling people to show up somewhere as long as that's the extent of the communication.
  9. I agree an update to the in game pager would be nice.. But bro, you're just asking to metagame when doing deals. Not everything is supposed to be easy or streamlined. There's supposed to be risk to selling drugs. Also, cops can get access to rumours a lot easier than whatever method you were told. You're not supposed to feel safe when going to a drug deal with a stranger. Just take the proper precautions.
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