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Everything posted by TroubledGhost

  1. I have not VDM'd or done the likes at all in a looong time. But yes, lawyer and gun dealer RP is my jam. Also bullying Deebo on the street.
  2. ive probably freed you more times from jail than you can remember
  3. Yes I understand, like I said the whole thing dumbfounded me.. I believe I was trying to communicate with the officer so much so my attention completely went to that.. and I took the car. I stayed in the car to communicate and figure out with them HOW the heck this occurred, but i thought it was a bug that they cannot hear me and wanted to see how far this bug goes? But it turns out they heard me the entire time and were just ignoring me. Sure i understand the stealing part at the end was an issue and hoping it could be overlooked given the circumstances as again.. it wasn't malicious intent.. And yes the fact i have POs and one of them WAS for exploiting the sitting glitch from the ban of which I did not appeal and took - which made me realise i want to stay here and definitely not be the notorious minge which everyone believes me to be.
  4. TroubledGhost


    Your Character or Steam Name: TroubledGhost Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:90789839 Your Discord ID#: rufie. Reason for ban: Exploiting / POs Length of ban: 2m 4w 1d and 4hrs Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute and apology Why should you be unbanned? During this ordeal, we've discovered a bug accidentally. which is used as the foundation for my ban. Watch the first clip to show the bug how it occured. I was confused as to what when where and why.. oh and how..?? I tried to establish communications with the officer (and the staff member) Alex Darcia? however he did not communicate with me at all. So i tested this bug to see if im ACTUALLY in the car or not, long story short i wasnt sure.. and it seemed like i was desppite not being there. When the officer parked at the car at the PD, i now know better NOT to take it, as during this entire ordeal i was confused and did actually forget that I got into this car from an accidental bug... So i understand where this may be coming from and I still appeal it as all because of it happening way to quick with no communication at all, full of confusion and what the darnits. I am not sure if the car was unlocked or locked at the start so worth looking into. So I apologise for that, and that being said using these POs against me as well as this isnt right, as this wasnt intentional - infact we discovered something new lol and that using the past as a reason to prosecute even more harshly even though ive clearly and significantly improved, yet you dont believe it? And the idea that all i do is Minge is wrong [refering to alex] and the fact that I was exploiting is also wrong as that makes it seem it was malicious intent [which alex firmly believes] and is again also wrong, im now back in the government as a public defender getting ready for my court case coming up soon once the C.C is filed for a client. [oh and during which I believe we got two officers IA stricken and/or.. hopefully discharged? hoped to find out tonight] For which i hope to be there. I went afk for a couple minutes and upon on my return I found i was banned so did not have an opportunity to show the present staff the events and issue (so i wont claim or argue my views werent heard by staff online cos maybe they tried and i was afk). It doesnt help that Alex Darcia is lobbying for my perma again with the belief i am a full time minge and bring nothing to the server, which it seems like some seniors staff also believe and of course I disagree to and would bring those to vouch for me. View my bug report if you havent [which was prior to being banned]. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c7QW251KsaEVs/d1337nQXDZVT?invite=cr-MSw0NzUsMTk2MzAwODIxLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c7RLIJgU45y2F/d133763Ac0oQ?invite=cr-MSxZVGksMTk2MzAwODIxLA
  5. Hi, So this happened today just now. I dont know if his car was locked or not? Id assume unlocked... and im not sure how this happened and looking back at the video it was being ran over and entering AT the same time? Please take a look into this. When I (from what i believe) got ran over I tabbed out as to not wait for the cool down and do some things on discord. When I tabbed back in I was in the car.. and i was totally confused lol as to how and if it was legit? Genuinely confused... but this seems to be a bug and should be addressed. It happened so quick and i wasnt paying attention lol... i've clipped the events. I tried communicating with the officer if he can hear me or not, i tried to test commands that definitely DONT work whilst in a car (the fallover) and talked LOOC and ICly but to no response, even used mic. I dont know if they heard me or not. The clip below is the first half. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c7QW251KsaEVs/d1337MkDqxdq?invite=cr-MSwwTWQsMTk2MzAwODIxLA Doesnt help theyre trying to lobby a perma ban as they believe this was intentional lol.. which it wasnt.
  6. Firstly, no i was not playing stupid.. i was genuinely asking in the video too. Secondly... have you not seen my previous character name trails? LOL. Thirdly, if i was indeed playing stupid, you should've done a litmus test and given me ANOTHER prompt with clear instructions and points PRIOR to giving me the prompt, and if i'd have failed it then by all means.. ban away. I also find it very interesting and convenient you waited until AFTER the ban to finally reply with a simple post, whilst this post was active for the last 14 hours lol. Again just adding more probability to the bias present lol. Regardless if you like me or not, I was on all day yesterday. You came on towards the end of my time playing yesterday the same with literally 99% of the cops - who were crying wolf that i was NITRP and minging cop baiting? Look at the logs lol. I was a busy man yesterday grinding. You are assuming based off my POs that's the case when I assure you it's not. I often have staff also watching me whilst invisible and i'd have been banned by now if I was indeed baiting and minging, because that's all it is, what you believe and who you trust - and granted why would you trust this person with this many POs? Well after a months ban, you'd know why. Also mistakes can and will happen, but even you know this is BS and with some seniors I am disliked and pushed to leave the community (all the false reporting esp from the cops dont help which you tend to believe lol), take a look at the last of my ban appeal lol. Since the ban has already taken place, I request the ban to be removed from my record and this to be changed into a staff report also should it be appropriate to do both so. (edit minor spelling corrections)
  7. TroubledGhost

    Ban appeal

    You are forgiven, oh on the bright side.. Ling Long is dead
  8. Your Character or Steam Name: TroubledGhost Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:90789839 [editted post to add steam ID] Your Discord ID#: rufie. Reason for ban: NITRP - Multiple Same Name? Length of ban: 12hr Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? I am not too sure exactly and Mr Kion Por Admin [dont remember your name apologies lol] brought me in to discuss a recent PK which in the end I accept. However in this sit (which occurred AFTER the PK and when a new char was made), he told me about the his reasoning, which i tried to plea against based on the fact I died in a slow speed/stationary manner. He then realised im still gagged (was gagged in the previous sit where there were two cops against me - and yes i was gagged for trying to voice my defence under the bases i was being "too noise and loud" ;-; but tis what it is. So wasnt even able to defend my self from other various malicious allegations ;-;). He then un gaged and immediately stated for me to change my name after saying it cannot be the same name (and i was confused as it wasnt the same name?). He gave the prompt, and said to "change it to something that isnt the fucking same" and only until i finished writing the new name out as Ping Pong Richard, he made mention of it cannot have the same family name (again AFTER i did the prompt and wasnt really aware of this mistake (Initially i thought the fact that I called my self Jing Jong Richard; instead of Ling Long Richard was okay and that Kion thought it was the same name as my previous char, hence changing to Ping Pong, and i couldnt speak when the prompt was out) and assumed it was okay. [This is what I assumed when he said Cannot be the exact same... again only until AFTER the prompt was submitted he stated it and didnt give me another chance on the basis that I may have submitted the prompt faster than he could finish? Then after he said "family name". he stopped talking and said im getting banned as i wasnt sure what the fuss is about? As there are many others actively playing that change names that are very similar to the previous char as if theyre brothers, considering my previous chars has the same trail of names and no staff took action against it as it was different. Plus the original character was called Ding Dong Richard and no admin caught me out for it so I was unaware - considering i interacted with many staff members too lol. Even then Kion didnt even explain it properly and just banned me right after. Sure he could've said it properly in one go prior to giving me the prompt instead of making it impromptu. Sure looking back I should've perhaps changed my name, but in the moment the staff member did not help make me understand and realise it as i was fixated on the first name unmaliciously. For me it seems like it was definitely biased. I was not given a chance to rename after his weak warning (again which came AFTER i did the prompt) and the fact he did not care and was not nice enough to give me a reprompt instead of rushing to the ban without listening to my pleas and assuming I do not care and am Minging/NITRP. (Though the server DID crash literally as he was banning me). This wasnt a case of NITRP. I literally came out of a month ban lol I DO NOT intend to get banned so much so i've been actively trying to RP and be a better influence to the server and believe im slowly getting there - so much so i am cautious and actively ask staff members for clarity before I do something that may get me in trouble (such as asking if it's okay to kill so and so for this reason and showing a clip). I've been taking up more lawyer work, where infact today we spent over 1 hour in jail dealing with a felony case... (not to mention other cases - an no... not as ling long LOL) So the allegations that I have NITRP is false and I do try keep clips to show my justification in use of words or actions. I have people that can vouch for me. So when cops come on literally from about 1hour prior to me writing this then claim i'm NITRP all day they this is a lie as literally since today I had no life and was online all day (i know sad) since the afternoon GMT. (It's ironic because if you put the spotlight on the staff members who run around clowns doing similar and/or the same things it's generally okay lol - but this is beyond the point). But you must admit this was not just and doesnt warrant a ban because the staff member explained it only after I submitted the prompt and wasnt aware, of course after seeing it from myseif. Thought from their side i'd understand they wouldnt know how quickly i'd have filled the prompt and perhaps may not know that i am not COMPLETELY aware of all the rules around the names. There are a lot of rules and with ADHD it's difficult for me to learn it all by reading and so i learn by practice so it may take time to be fully acquainted with all the rules. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2bDXQ0ME1z8Ksu/d13372wt5dnf?invite=cr-MSxSQnEsMTk2MzAwODIxLA
  9. There is a bug when whilst self healing with any healing items [splints, bandages or first aid kit], whilst in the process of healing (the progress bar is shown as reducing) you interact with another entity that causing the progress bar to show (opening doors etc), you become stuck at the slow speed as if you are now permanently healing. You must char kick to fix this. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2bzk4q5j7Lz9Ad/d1337Y2nNNcS?invite=cr-MSxUaWEsMTk2MzAwODIxLA Clip to show an example
  10. Yeah no, you should not NOT be able to go into the water to evade police because of functionality issue and because it is an effective method of evasion (not due to the exploit ofc).. I do agree the taser not functioning as intended in water has opportunity to be exploited, however most RP does not play out this way.. the only ones that utilise this exploit and method usually are minges conducting Minge RP that intentionally evade custody by using this exploit... even then staff are usually on scene to reprimand the minge. Otherwise there are many effective in character RP ways to deal with this...
  11. This was unnecessary lol, not worth the hassle. If you approached it more seriously then i'm sure there would've been a more informative discussion but yikes.. just close this thread.
  12. No to backpacks... but definitely +1 on the suggestion to be able to move multiple items in one go. Literally the one of best way to get RSI, dragging full inventory one by one... or when clearing logs x.x
  13. Your Character or Steam Name: Ling Long Richard Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:90789839 Your Discord ID#: rufie. Reason for ban: VDM LTAP Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute :p Why should you be unbanned? I believe the incident is an accident, I was going to go back to the cop and apologise and show him the clip but did not want to break NLR and left it be. I decided to go afk not being aware a sit would be made. I tried to get in touch with Toast to show him the clip lol which i find hilarious by the way due to it being so random and unexpecting. As per the video, i saw someone being harrassed and beaten to death and I had physical evidence which I took and wanted to rush to the NYPD to report it [ironically to the cop whom i ran over..]. However before getting there I turned into PD but my view was obstructed by the walls as he was walking out and accidentally ran him over and this caused a GMOD moment and caused an explosion. [ see link]. I turned to the main road looking for on coming traffic or other pedestrians crossing, then turned into the PD parking lot then BAM!. Note i was speeding as you can hear in the video the man pulled his gun OUT of safety and i believed my life was under threat and was going to be chased thus rushing. Also sorry to whom ever I killed. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2aDSLBvFvBCDT5/d1337JRimG6K?invite=cr-MSxoVkYsMTk2MzAwODIxLA
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