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Everything posted by KeoNasa

  1. this is a really smart way to make money for the serv
  2. there shouldn't be a rule for minges that goes to staff anyway. even if i agree that it is a good idea to add this
  3. gotta be the most interesting thing ive seen on forums all week. Retarded as shit
  4. skorpion + imagination = glock (witta switch on it)
  5. KeoNasa

    Ban appeal

    we need someone that goes to these lengths back in here, imagine the rp possibilities with cake man.
  6. KeoNasa

    Ban Appeal

    -1. if you were being RDMd, you shouldve went to a admin. Feigning ignorance cant apply when your actions are non-sensical. Even a darkrp environment would ban you for this shit smh.
  7. it could proprietary code that may have been lost or sold, or maybe its incompatible with the current system. regardless it would make a very sensable addition. besides i dont think in RP any characters will announce their full government name on radio before speaking. LOL
  8. Radio is a seperate code from chat and thats why "unknowns" are not on radio. But i believe that considering radio is one of the only fast IC ways of immediate communication long distance, and given the range of radios. I think that having unknown status brought to the radio would decrease the likelyhood of metagaming, be it unintentional subconsciously- or maliciously. im sure the coding for this would be a nightmare, and thats why it hasnt happened yet. But i do believe that it is important to be added at some point in the near future. Maybe as an addition with the new update coming???
  9. rain at random and snow during the winter months would help be immersed. New york isnt new york without the rainy days, we need this fr
  10. these systems are best handled in RP rather than being a server or admin function.
  11. its not ignorance, probably just eagerness.
  12. agreed. i like the idea of a mixed British faction but there isn't enough substance, immersion, cultural stuff ykyk. The backstory is interesting but nothing jumps out to me uniquely and has that bite to it.
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