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Fox last won the day on November 19 2024

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  1. Fox


    Hi there, As the PKing admin has already stated that the don of the faction requested for you to be killed. I have done some investigating and confirmed that this is a valid PK. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  2. Just call an admin like everyone else. Any 'RP' way of flipping your car would be abused to push cars into others. Just call staff.
  3. Been suggested before. Believe the verdict was that, although it does have some benefits, it would become more of an annoyance than anything.
  4. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1ddmYY7YE-FzYJ?invite=cr-MSxFdmQsMTAyNzMzNDU2LA
  5. I mean, it sounds great on paper but do you really expect pendred to code a virtual horse racing sim? seems like a big ask, when there is likely more pressing updates that he'll be working on. IMO if you can find the actual plugins or even assets used, that would be more beneficial to the suggestion
  6. Entirely agree. If you want their shit then tie them up and take it before you PK them IMO, at least there is risk involved that way.
  7. Fox

    PET flag appeal

    You have multiple flag warnings all around the same time. Please note that if you abuse your PET flags again, they will be removed straight away. Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.
  8. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  9. Fox

    DVLA / Licensing

    J walking is a nothing crime. You can have a gun license revoked for gun related crime but you can run over multiple people, serve your time and then just do it again, and again.
  10. Fox

    DVLA / Licensing

    Exactly, then if you get caught driving without a license the police can step in and arrest you
  11. May have been suggested before but I think it would be good to include some sort of DVLA / Driving license system. I have a feeling that people will either agree entirely or disagree entirely. Here is my proposal: Similarly to the police test, you obtain a license by going through a form and getting a % correct Make it so that police can give you points for driving like a dickhead, get too many points and your license is revoked, driving without a license is a serious offence. . (You can't spawn a car without a license, but once you've obtained it, you can then still drive with a revoked license) To get your license put back in good standing you have to speak to the DVLA (sub dept of the gov) and pay for a driving test to prove your competence. PRO - Would stop a lot of VDM of people just joining factions, obtaining a car and running people over. - Create more driving RP, made men might rely on drivers more for example. - More fun, realistic RP. - Adds another way of reducing money on the economy - More RP for the low level police who will be able to do more traffic stops - New gov department will mean new RP and potentially a new legal way to make money - Less dickheadish driving - More of a risk of keeping illegal items in your car CON - Might not be popular to gatekeep driving as people like driving recklessly - Implementation might be difficult, or if implemented a lot of people will get caught by the changes as they aren't aware. - Might not be as fun as I think, may make the 'serious RP' a little too serious
  12. Quick one, will probably make a few more
  13. All of your previous offenses are for RDM I highly recommend you re-read the rules on killing. Whilst I can understand the frustration of someone ear-raping or using a bad voice changer, you should have alerted staff as Bullets advised already. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  14. Fox

    Video Arcade !

    Hell yeah. I was actually working on a beat'em up game called Streets of Diverge. Arcade prop Make a web UI that opens up a web browser when you press E on it Load up a itch.io to Streets of Diverge Play for the highscore ????? Profit
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