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Fox last won the day on March 21

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  1. -1 Usually I would write a PRO/CON list for applications but there actually isn't anything redeeming in this application. - You used AI to write the entire application. This is a bit of a slap in the face to those who spend a great deal of time on their applications. - You claim to know the ins and outs of RP but you didn't provide a single original RP idea. - There are a bunch of Italian factions already, if you were looking to write up an Italian faction you need to make it stand out somehow, you don't do this here. - Your play time is very low, you need to play more to find out the ins and outs of what it takes to run a faction. I'd suggest reading this guide I wrote in November and work on a new application whilst you are actively playing and making amendments along the way.
  2. Fox

    Car Theft

    Also worth noting, what's to stop friends, faction members or allies agreeing 'hey you steal my car, he steals yours and i'll steal his' Just sounds like a headache for staff, waiting.
  3. Fox

    Car Theft

    Big DarkRP energy. It would be abused to high heaven. Even implementing a '1 hour restriction', you'll just get people going around and stealing peoples cars, dying and then finding another car to steal without any repercussions.
  4. +/- It's not a bad application but I think there is a lot of rambling in the app where you don't really say anything at all. The backstory part is great, I just wish this would carry over into the main body of the application. You mention many times about 'creating RP scenarios' but you don't actually tell us what these scenarios are. I think you may be on to something, but you need to make your application stand out and show us EXACTLY how it's different from other factions. Don't be afraid to get specific and in depth, it's only going to help you. PRO: - Backstory is well written and I enjoyed the story behind it, and I liked the way it was written from someone's perspective. - Ethnicity is different than the usual, which is always good to see. CON - Low playtime, as others have stated your playtime is quite low. - Assumptions on the racket. Your entire application is pretty much based on you getting a weapons racket. Without it, you're going to have to funnel guns through a faction who already has it - which is going to be difficult. I think you'd of been better to make a point that the faction also has a lucrative drug trade that way you're covered for whichever racket you are given. - In the 'Provide examples of roleplay' you actually don't say anything. You mention 'jobs' but give no example of what these jobs are. You then start talking about a made man ceremony which every faction has, but give no examples of how yours is different from anyone else, you just simply say 'they swear loyalty to X'. - The AEY thing is unnecessary, and at its heart is still a gun shop. If you're going to include this - Give us more, it seems very quickly slapped together.
  5. Fox

    PK appeal

    Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  6. There is already a sort of witsec system in the server. I think anything additional would just become convoluted and unnecessary.
  7. Fox


    Hi there, As the PKing admin has already stated that the don of the faction requested for you to be killed. I have done some investigating and confirmed that this is a valid PK. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  8. Just call an admin like everyone else. Any 'RP' way of flipping your car would be abused to push cars into others. Just call staff.
  9. Been suggested before. Believe the verdict was that, although it does have some benefits, it would become more of an annoyance than anything.
  10. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1ddmYY7YE-FzYJ?invite=cr-MSxFdmQsMTAyNzMzNDU2LA
  11. I mean, it sounds great on paper but do you really expect pendred to code a virtual horse racing sim? seems like a big ask, when there is likely more pressing updates that he'll be working on. IMO if you can find the actual plugins or even assets used, that would be more beneficial to the suggestion
  12. Entirely agree. If you want their shit then tie them up and take it before you PK them IMO, at least there is risk involved that way.
  13. Fox

    PET flag appeal

    You have multiple flag warnings all around the same time. Please note that if you abuse your PET flags again, they will be removed straight away. Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.
  14. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
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