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About Platocygnus

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  1. +1 but only if he does more cases for me (slave labor)
  2. you know we had rem for like 4 years right
  3. Cant be worse than jmorsey though yknow what +1 we need a dei hire
  4. PK active players who dont shower for 12+ days
  5. Regardless, i don't use an alt account. I have only been using the same account i use as my chief public defender. I am asking to be unbanned so that i may join other faction discords.
  6. No. I have not been using an alt account. I have been pretty explicit in only using one discord account because i don't want to be banned from the server itself.
  7. Your Character or Steam Name: platocygnus Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561198024798544 Your Discord ID#: cygnotto#0000 Reason for ban: unknown Length of ban: permanent? Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Because of the discord ban, I have been unable to join any discord servers for the game. I cannot remember when, or why I was banned, but I do not need to rejoin the main server. I just need to be able to join other factions servers, to be able to roleplay. I apologize for any behavior that resulted in a previous discord ban. Why should you be unbanned? Like I said, I don't need to rejoin the main server, and I most likely won't. I just need the ban lifted to join servers I've been invited to without getting auto banned. As I have been relatively active for the past few months, it would be greatly appreciated. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  8. Voting for hamir is like voting for Maggie since they're always together... Almost TOO together... Like they're doing something in secret... (I love spreading misinformation!!!)
  9. When i checked my banks today, i was missing several event items. I had screenshots from the day prior, meaning they were removed overnight. I am missing the thankgiving 2023 turkey leg, and a few of the McDonalds event toy cars. Checking my transfer logs, they were not transferred out, so what happened?
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