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Thomas last won the day on April 18 2024

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  1. I have said this from day one: Remove the governor's mansion. I understand it's a cool idea, but it benefits no one. The idea that factions would rent it out was a good idea, but I guess I don't know this for sure. I'm sure that aspect was rarely used. Instead, I think an open park like the one on the New York map would be a good fit. I don't know if townhouses would work, but there are few reasons for people to come to the north besides my faction properties and De Leons. I'm not sure how everyone would feel about adding something of important in the north. There should be something interesting in each section of the map. I don't hate the World Corp idea as much but In my eyes would be another useless property no one goes to besides to PK their characters. Now, going forward my suggestions are just things that I think in the future more factions leaders would like and even current factions. Remove gun store #2 serves no purpose whatsoever. If it's a property whose only purpose is to buy ammo from it, make it non-ownable, or here's an idea make someone with a gun racket buy it. I understand this is not favorable, especially to the factions that have gun rackets but if no one buys it (Besides Brown and Sons who sold it soon after and no one else has tried to buy it) then it should be replaced by a building that can serve better RP. Change the Laundromat into the liquor store from Union City the one that has an upstairs. It's no secret that these types of properties like the 7/12 and the Restaurant by hardware are prime buildings to want to have. I think there would be more attention to want this type of property than the current laundromat. I think maybe taking a look at the cafe from Union City. Whenever the union city had a server I'm sure this was one of the best buildings to own as far as RP goes. It brings something unique into the server. I know we already have a "Coffee Shop" but, this one feels more grand and could bring some nice RP to whichever faction owns it. as far as anything dotted around the city like trees, newspaper dispensers and things like that looks fine I guess you would have to be the judge of that cause I honestly cant think of an area that would need more or less of this. I know everyone reading this and most likely Pendred as well. These are suggestions that I feel as a faction leader can bring RP to the server. As a new faction leader, It's hard to want to spend tons of money for a property that will not only not benefit you financially but will most likely not give you any RP benefits. There are no properties right now that I want to go for because either #1 I would spend double or even triple the amount of money I already spend and #2 It would not increase my faction's RP ability. I do all of this in a townhouse just fine. With that being said I know this is most likely not something you will take into mind as I'm sure you just want to make little changes here and there but I still want to voice my opinion on the things that could be improved thus far. Otherwise, Good map.
  2. Thomas

    Calabria Crew

    -1 Just makes no sense whatsoever, and they plan to play on another community.
  3. Thomas

    Supreme Team

    +1, a decent backstory and good info on what you plan to do in the server. I hate this name though, but if you feel like you can RP with this name go ahead.
  4. Thomas

    Box faction app

    -1, I dont hate the idea for the faction but the name and your backstory are lacking. I think the potential for this to work is alright but I just don't think that you could lead it to where it needs to go.
  5. +1 I have had interactions with this guy before and he knows how the server is and I think he will do some good stuff as staff.
  6. Times must be tough if we given this mf staff.
  7. Thomas

    PK appeal

    Hello, PKing admin here so you were PKed for starting a confrontation with the police near the ghetto area. It looks like you killed someone to get them out of an arrest and as a result were shot and killed by the police. The reason you were PKed "Offline" was that you had left the server 15-20 minutes after the situation (which is fine) and we were still figuring things out and making sure we made the right decision. As you may know, starting a violent confirmation with the police can lead to a PK if you are killed which is what happened here.
  8. +1 Would be a great addition to the staff team.
  9. +1 Great guy and knows what he is doing on the server. Would be a great addition to the staff team.
  10. +1 Seems like a good guy. I think he knows what he is doing and has the experience to do the job.
  11. +1 Seems like a decent guy and I would hope he knows the rules pretty well. Should be a good addition to the staff team.
  12. +1 I think the Russians deserve a spot in the city. It would be good to have an active Russian faction again.
  13. Hello, PKing admin here like I said in the sit you were PKed for starting a violent confrontation with police which in your clip it clearly shows. I explained that there was not a lot of staff on, so the time it took to take the ticket was not very fast as well as the time to get the information together for the PK added on to it. The "It happened last minute" is not a thing. It was a retroactive PK meaning once the situation was over the police made a ticket to get you PKed and that is what it did. I am sorry that staff took their time taking the ticket, but that does not make the PK invalid.
  14. Firstly, Follow the Template here: Name of Character: SteamID: Your Discord ID#: Date of PK: Reason for PK: Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Secondly, Hello, Pking admin here so you were PKed for having Dons Orders on you. When you join a faction there is a little pop-up that says that when you join a faction the don has the right to kill you for breaking faction rules. In your case, it was due to you leaving the faction without approval from the faction leader. While leaving the faction itself is not grounds for a PK seeing as you were so low of rank doing anything illegal like drugs or weapons for example would result in a PK. (● If they have left the gang/family without approval from the leader, while holding the position of made man+ (or appropriate equivalent), they may be subject to a PK. Entry level associates who are not made or deeply committed to the organization may leave without harm as their position is low and they know very little. (Security, waiters, doormen, drivers, etc) <You will be asked to provide evidence of rank> This does not apply if they have partaken in criminal actions, drug manufacturing/murder/robbery/etc. (However these actions must be verified). Generally under most don's orders.)
  15. Hello, Pking admin here so you were PKed for having Dons Orders on you. When you join a faction there is a little pop-up that says that when you join a faction the don has the right to kill you for breaking faction rules. In your case, it was due to you leaving the faction without approval from the faction leader. While leaving the faction itself is not grounds for a PK seeing as you were so low of rank doing anything illegal like drugs or weapons for example would result in a PK. (● If they have left the gang/family without approval from the leader, while holding the position of made man+ (or appropriate equivalent), they may be subject to a PK. Entry level associates who are not made or deeply committed to the organization may leave without harm as their position is low and they know very little. (Security, waiters, doormen, drivers, etc) <You will be asked to provide evidence of rank> This does not apply if they have partaken in criminal actions, drug manufacturing/murder/robbery/etc. (However these actions must be verified). Generally under most don's orders.)
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