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Seansx last won the day on August 22 2024

Seansx had the most liked content!


About Seansx

  • Birthday 12/31/1874

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Underboss (7/14)

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  1. string reminds of matan evens
  2. If you go to the ban appeal sections you can create a post, use the format attached in the pinned post. If it’s been a while and your offense wasn’t that bad you should be able to get unbanned without having to pay lol
  3. Just lock the yelling ability behind a week of playtime and create a rule where if it’s abused it results in a punishment. Would be really easy to define as well since abuse would just be any form of Micspam tbh just make it a more excessive punishment if done through yelling
  4. Seansx

    Calabria Crew

    The concept isn’t bad, but the people who seem to be running it as well as the actions they have already done on their short time in the server speaks for itself. A group of minges, trying to put on the face of excessive rpers to get accepted. Probably actively metagaming in their temporary discord since UA isn’t watching over them rn. -1
  5. there already is a /taxiadvert and /taxi command, I think a good solution to this could maybe allow legal factions to buy the flags to those commands. basically purchasing access to the taxi business through their faction for a certain amount
  6. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    You got banned for the cat figurine trade, then I looked through your logs and found more. I am asking you to fess up to it, list out what you have done regarding this offense and stop making this seem like its a "silly oversight" or "you didnt know" because you clearly did. Take responsibility for your actions, list them, apologize for them. You keep contradicting yourself, at one point saying you were ignorant, at another saying you dont claim ignorance etc. Pick one.
  7. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    What type of response is this? Its criminal rp so you can break the server rules? What a load of shit, you were given the opportunity to apologize for lying and to fess up to everything else. You haven't. Your loss.
  8. the montage was fucking dope loved the mrdm and mass mugging application sucks tho, should just stick to content creation
  9. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    You weren’t pulled as like you said yourself, there were a LOT of pages to go through and a lot found. By the time I was finished you were off the server. This isn’t a I didn’t know the rules server, I get off Scot free, it’s a read the rules server or get punished, and if you get punished you hopefully go read them. In the example you gave, if you proved that you spent money on it, and it was months later and it can be genuinely determined it was unintentional then that’s another case. However in this one, five seconds after dropping it in premium clothing store your other character picked it up in the same spot. Definitely not an accident, still not seeing you apologizing for lying, just for getting caught. As seen in your message “so it was the cat figurines” you were aware you item transferred so don’t act confused now. Stop lying, admit to it ALL. Not just this, and then UA can go through and determine if your punishment remains.
  10. Seansx

    Ban Appeal

    Banning Admin here. Logs can see an items exact ID, and below I have highlighted that with underlining. Attached above is one of the logs of you item transferring two cat figurines from Josh Solomon’s to your Aces character. Your 46 pages of item pickups and drops told a big story about your character and how you play this server. I suggest you admit to item transferring, apologize, and fess up to everything else and then maybe the UA team will look favorably upon your honesty and lower your ban time.
  11. +1 nice guy and very respectful, could def see him as staff
  12. Top ten legendary anzati moments. I suggest you learn how to bake @Hans Hunnebun and revisit the forums in a couple months to a year.
  13. thank you for saying you enjoyed the event, I put a lot of time into it. at the moment - there is really only one active gm which is myself. but all you have to do is dm me or make a UA ticket and write gm event and ill happily help sort it out. I am willing to all types of events including for one faction, an alliance, the whole server, fun, rp based whatever. just propose a good idea and ill make it happen.
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