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  1. add drive-by feature now. me want shoot from car
  2. There’s a difference between arrested and prosecuted. The self-report can most likely lead to the cuffs being slapped on, either due to patrol incompetence or an experienced officer being overzealous, but you won’t get convicted if it actually was. The DA’s office likely won’t charge you, and if they do they’re wasting their time. There is no way you couldn’t possible create a reasonable doubt when you are innocent.
  3. -1 I saw someone else up here mention that he’s knowledgeable, and I get that, but my issue is getting a potential second Jmoorsey. I don’t think it’s his time yet. He should reapply in a bit.
  4. +1 She's a good RPer and has experience in multiple aspects of RP.
  5. +1 Former staff member (you did NOT need to app)
  6. Some random staff member was spawning props from the top of World Corp that we were throwing out of the window. They switched from watermelons to something heavier and I may have killed someone with it. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1N7NPf6AsdcJyo?invite=cr-MSxvQWQsMTMxODc2MjEs Second clip is funny Schmuel Aviv things https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1npHpXhlTOfFo-?invite=cr-MSxyRlUsMTMxODc2MjEs
  7. Hello! I was supervising admin for this PK. I can confirm that the orders stated the reasoning for the PK was lack of kickup payment and disrespect of high command, but if what you say is true, then that is very concerning. I'll leave it to higher staff to determine if the above screenshot and explanation for the invalid nature of the orders warrant further action.
  8. Hey! I'm the supervising staff member for this PK. When you enter a criminal faction, you are prompted with an agreement saying that there are certain risks associated with joining said faction. The Don of your faction issued the order for your death for a collection of general dumb things you've done. The warning you were prompted with when you joined the faction said that the Don could order your death, and that's what happened in this situation.
  9. Hey, I'm the admin who supervised the PK. When you enter a criminal faction, you are prompted with an agreement saying that there are certain risks associated with joining said faction. The don/faction HC ordered your death based on in-character information, that being the cause above. Regardless of whether what they believed was true or not, the don can order your death based on the suspicion of what is alleged above.
  10. This is just a blatant lie of a story, which the combination of logs and the clip provided would confirm, or you are thinking of a separate incident, which is concerning for someone with your amount of LTARP POs. This clip coincides with logs. The moment they draw guns you go back into the room and lock the door, then grab your drugs and tell your buddy to LTARP with you.
  11. He literally gave an example in his message. Izumi could be considered one of those people caught up in your antics.
  12. Oh, something else to make the "use the PD firing range" bit even dumber. His character doesn't have a gun license. As someone who had a character in the DA's office, he knows he'd get a felony when a cop saw it. Why tf would he take an illegal firearm to PD to ask to use their gun range?
  13. -1 Here's an extra clip from my perspective! https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jmMS3nExQwnfHA4q-?invite=cr-MSxBMlIsMTMxODc2MjEs To preface the following, this is my opinion as someone involved in the situation, not specifically as a staff member. In my clip, it looks like you step out of the way for your friend to open fire on everyone. On top of that "use the NYPD shooting range" is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Also, your friend opening fire does not excuse you from joining in, as you clearly shoot the ADA while your friend is reloading in this clip. Although the intent is important here (intent which I believe is present, as you're doing the same thing you did in that hearing: creating a bullshit story that wasn't presented in the sit), the participation in the act is just as important. You participated in the PD Raid, which is another thing that could be added to your ban reason.
  14. -1 This guy is impersonating the real Rocco Moretti lmao
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