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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Guy got mugged as we were about to do the hit and we got in a shootout in public with the muggers and the guy thought we were saving him
  2. I have clips of you walking around threatening to rape kids.
  3. This definitely adds more RP to the attachment stamps on gun licenses, and planning out kills on people. Like if you wanna PK somebody and do it quiet, now you gotta make sure everybody has the right gear and shit.
  4. Barry

    Pk Appeal

    Your first mistake was accusing a random person of not only a false statement, but a felony. Your second mistake was including the name of my business in your paper. Accusing someone of committing a major felony and including their place of employment immediately warrants unwanted attention. And worst of all you were sharing this newspaper around like a hooker with HIV.
  5. Exactly, just last night i saw a cop running around asking people for their ID’s for their gun license without even checking it. He asked me for mine and just walked away.
  6. Honestly I think the ID should only trigger recognition if the person is cuffed / restrained. It would make slightly more sense RP wise. Cops realistically are way more likely to remember someone they’ve actually arrested and handcuffed rather than someone they just conducted a pitstop gun license check on. It’s the most convenient balance between both worlds. A lot of cops *John Fraser* will just hunt the name down of as many individuals as they can, and someone (especially a cop) having your name makes you very susceptible to meta / power game. Not only can people who have your name see your face model and name on the tab menu whenever they want, but they have your faction as well. If a cop is in one faction on an alt, and they arrest someone who’s in an unfriendly faction, they’re naturally gonna be biased. Another alternative if people want the system to stay the same so bad, is to make it so when you’re on a cop character, all non gov’t factions appear as “???” because why would a cop know what faction a person is in just by looking at their ID.
  7. -/+ i agree with MxR here it could be a good idea but it needs some RP. Maybe attach an event message every time an ATM is robbed because the cops would wanna know when someone steals from their piggy bank. Or trigger a 911 call at the ATM when they lock pick it.
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