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Logan last won the day on May 12

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  1. Logan

    The Marchiano Gang

    Getting the ban stick ready
  2. So I'm gonna describe what I see from a second opinion here, he walks in from of your car and stops you beep the horn and not a second late drive I to him (he didn't move into your car) you get out, he gets up pulls out a gun because when you are ran over it resets your ammo and takes it off safety, doesn't threaten other than maybe pointing at you however he puts the gun away and doesn't engage with you. He gets ran over and do does the shotgun guy you wait for them to get up killing the guy you ran over and the shotgun guy who never threatened you or even took his gun off his back. I do not see a real reason to kill especially the guy with the shotgun as he didn't even threaten you at all.
  3. He is blacklisted from PD for massRDM as a cop his reason was to be a corrupt cop to add rp
  4. Ngl I thought he deleted that char well RIP homie's prestigious career
  5. Manuel moretti is dead RIP my homie Manuel
  6. Have you ever used cocaine in game?
  7. +1, great guy would be a good addition to staff
  8. Logan

    Ban Appeal

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  9. Logan

    Ban Appeal

    As shown in the video your friend tried to rdm someone and said person was defending themselves, then you jumped in killing him you wanted a reason to kill someone and that's evident, if you think a staff member is biased then feel free to make a staff report
  10. No, you didn't cook you are cooked How do your bans make you a better candidate? It just shows either ignorance or a lack of understanding of the rules, all your bans happen within a year
  11. Hi there! Banning admin here to put it simply you cant kill a person for being a coward, active threat sure which there weren't especially not to you. you have two previous notes for RDM so i believe a ban was in order and give you time to reflect on your actions you been here long enough to know rules surrounding killing RDM etc. Just because a person is being a coward in a "boxing fight" between two consenting parties (you being neither of them) does not give you justification to kill them.
  12. Logan

    ban appeal

    "I have a popular judge char" Cap
  13. "Reason for PK: Me and an associate were mugging a guy during a cocaine deal and he roleplay searched him for weapons wires the sorts and he said he had none" if you weren't trying to take things then why was you mugging him?
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