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Zay santos

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  1. +1 mf made a cake he got more determination than anyone who’s ever been banned
  2. +1 silly ban. During a rdm event
  3. Threatening to pull someone’s ip is wild especially over a game that’s just sad and not a thing a “productive member” or “positive member” would do -1
  4. Name of Character: Zay santos SteamID: https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170124778 Your Discord ID#: riddyg59 Date of PK:02/25/25 Reason for PK: fail mug Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Mugging Callahan faction members since we have gone through the roe and stuff has escalated we mistakenly mugged infront of a npc witch turned into a staff sit as long with a punishment of a 3 day ban and a pk witch after discussing and a lot of disagreement it was brought down to a pk after requesting for a UA witch we could not get we were pked without the ban witch I believe is invalid as I do accept the responsibility of mugging in the wrong spot accidents happen were human we make mistakes. but a pk just don’t sit right with me as I’ve had the char for years now and that’s a shitty way to go down the drain. Would rather have it switched to the right 3 day ban than the pk. Jay Santos is a menace in the streets and a dog in the sheets he can’t go out like this If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: punishers video but we were involved in the same incident https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvnySDByUfhamuqJ?invite=cr-MSxTU0gsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvoybZNPjlo_BJMn?invite=cr-MSwzd2csMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvqwOIxIAghiCv8t?invite=cr-MSxla3EsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvrpjGMZIuaJIzjR?invite=cr-MSxZeGMsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvs33x7yS5rAXOx0?invite=cr-MSxsVTUsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvsGNnA4_RRJZJ-n?invite=cr-MSxlSEcsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvtkxecYNlkc5hTc?invite=cr-MSx1U0MsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvtX8FCzAdtxbAAs?invite=cr-MSw4MXQsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvuWs1XT28Blu-yl?invite=cr-MSx4cWksMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvvJh2etj3WHtz8W?invite=cr-MSxaQ2gsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvwtPf1z50vTde94?invite=cr-MSw1bzYsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvxpJpGOr8OV_QMN?invite=cr-MSxUOVMsMTU4NjUzNjY3LA
  5. What makes the mug a pk when nobody died? I get what we did is wrong like okay we understand won’t happen again but the pk should not of been in play
  6. Neither did I or punisher zip tie anybody that was somebody else
  7. +1 bs failed mug got pked also was there didn’t get out 3 day ban just got a pk also wouldn’t get UA when requested jmoorsey also took his own sit before grabbing the admin faction bias right here. But its diverge so not even worth making the appeal like normal mad respect punisher love u homie- zay We also never got killed nor died witch makes a pk make no sense Just don’t understand how a pk comes out of a fail mug when nobody took anyone’s items they were just restrained…. As well as nobody even laying a finger on neither soul on both sides then the staff member being in the faction were having problems with gets us and grabs u then he says word for word staff have final say on the punishment and that’s why he is doing pks fishy af never heard of someone getting pked over a fail mug and that goes to my last 4 years on the server good to know that the staff that play have leverage vs the normal player.
  8. +1 everyone deserves a second chance and it was 4 years ago. Best of luck
  9. do have good intentions just made a dumb mistake. and I do take full responsibility for my actions.
  10. Completely understandable and respectable responses just don’t wanna be weeded out like a minge as it was a 1 day ban for a fail mug witch ik complete responsible for and as well as logging on before the ban ended just didn’t wanna get pushed away from the server permanently over a day ban as I don’t minge. Really stupid and big mistake on my end. :edit so I don’t keep making big paragraphs: spent alot of time and don’t have a record u could say as this would be a first offense for something like that im not know for that I and I didn’t intend for that it was not my intention.
  11. completely understandable yes I was on the server on a diffrent account got banned for the 1 day and then attempted to log into my main went on and was banned there too I understand what I did was wrong just wanted to take the shot in the dark to fix my mistake and apologize and accept responsibility and see if the ban could be reversed or lowered thank you and I see where your coming from and what you mean.
  12. Your Character or Steam Name: Zay santos Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170124778 Your Discord ID#: riddyg59 Reason for ban: alt account but this is my main account... Length of ban: perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): appealed because the account I was originally banned on was for 1 day and it was for a fail mug. it was messing around.... didn't want to be kicked out of the community over that I know even though I've donated it doesn't matter i wouldn't like to be perm banned for just a ban that was 1 day not even on my main account. and was banned from console? Why should you be unbanned? I didn't do a lot of harm I understand why but I wasn't even on my main account? the original ban was a failure mug for 1 day on my alt not my main and then i got banned on my main for perm and i don't want to be kicked out of the community over a 1 day ban... ive been apart of the community for a long time since the cartel days my ssn is 5699 i haven't had a lot of problems on the server either as i dont minge nor troll was stupid mistake and i apologize for that and i really wouldn't want to be pushed away over a ban that went from 1 day to now then turned into a perm. sorry for my actions as they won't happen again thanks. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
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