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Creambru last won the day on July 30 2024

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  1. pked a guy infront of a cop oustide of legrand with a shotgun who stole my AKM. got arrested and took a plea for attempted murder then appealed the felony since a day after the cop that had arrested me had been pked for corruption or something.
  2. would +2 if i could, lockpicking as it is now in most rp servers is just STAND DEFENCELESS FACING A DOOR FOR 8 SECONDS WHILE A REALLY LOUD NOISE PLAYS AND HOPE YOU DONT GET SHOT which is obviously pretty stupid and not realistic. if i could add to this concept in a game mechanic sense lockpicking should be completely skill based and every time instead of a loud lockpicking noise to signify that you are trying to discreetly enter a building. Make the lockpicking noises infrequent subtle less loud clicks and pops and if they fail to successfully pick whatever entity they're trying to break into could make a loud BREAKING sound and wont be able to be accessed for a short time unless someone with keys opens it would add alot to crim RP for aspiring solo civvie burglars/organized crime families to be able to have people skilled in the art of breaking and entering and would make raids a more common and harder to combat threat.
  3. +1 need more body disposal methods. Cannibalism anyone?
  4. I dont see Cowboy RP being a true big hit, a southern family faction would be the next best thing like a hick/hillbilly faction but the backstory needs way more work. Them losing all their money in one poker match doesnt really make alot of sense as a story beat for your backstory but in general cowboy rp just isint the right fit for the 1980's and the backstory itself could have much more thought put into the culture of the family itself and how the actual RP would play out. Like would it be like old west cowboy kind of cowboy RP or like modern ish cowboy family with an established ranch and decades of history pertaining to the family and its old American roots to cowboys and their family. IMO though Hick/Hillbilly RP would probably be the route that makes the most sense and easier to pull off in the 1980s 1-
  5. Creambru

    Pk Appeal

    Pking administrator here I'm pretty sure in the sit I specified to you that the only reason you were not brought into a sit for this PK was because u were offline, if u had been online u would have been pulled to the sit and I would have explained to you in the moment what had gotten you pked. For reference, anytime u get into a situation where you can be retroactively PKED (Violent confrontations with police, failed mugging attempts, Etc) your character will be subject to a PK during and anytime after the situation occurred, just because you had gotten into similar situations before and not been pked does not mean you can keep getting into situations where u can be pked and expect not to be pked. Even if you are offline and the situation is over you are still subject to having your character Pked. I also specified to u the reason why u were pked in the first place which was a Violent Confrontation With a Police Officer shown in this clip i provided you https://medal.tv/?contentId=iEGkDrsn2ZZmTDST8&invite=cr-MSxFdlksMTk5OTAzNjIxLA&spok=d1337FB5l9v8
  6. this would add so much depth to RP and economy on how well its incorporated RP wise. As well as how the extorting of these properties and the RP behind purchasing something to gain passive income from it, if it can be taxed or not. if there would have to be some DOP additions to allow people to apply to purchase such things. But overall i love the idea and the major gameplay change that it would add
  7. Creambru

    ban appeal

    Banning administrator here. As it is with basically every other argument like this, If someone gets on gmod to break rules and its not you, its still your steamid. you are responsible for your own account and even if this mystery person did exist you still have a few past offences for the same exact thing. The more you repeat the same behavior pattern of DCing to avoid roleplay the longer your ban becomes and it shows you have no intent to actually follow through with punishment that comes from roleplay. https://medal.tv/?contentId=iAzd52oBHh3edmHjl&invite=cr-MSxldEUsNzExMDk4Mjgs&spok=d1337AyZWQtf
  8. -1 not much to say here its wonderful you wanna help the community and all that but you have 3 days of playtime, are 14, didn't write much in this application at all and generally just haven't spent a significant amount of time in the community at all. Also you didn't really answer "You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:" correctly, this question pertains to staff members not members of any government legal faction and your answer of "in line 10 of police/goverment rule s it states “Abuse of Power/Guns/Arrests will result in removal from your job and possibly a ban” " didn't really answer the question in the slightest so I'm not really adamant that u even cared about answering the questions truthfully let alone reading them.
  9. Imo generally people dont go walking around threatening other people usually with any weapon and when they do its usually for petty shit. The most times ull ever see guns presented is around owned businesses and i think if the rule were changed it would allow for alot of bullshit and kill baiting such as one faction visiting another business exclusively to fuck with them until they get told to leave by force and then automatically resort to killing once they see the firearm and hear the threat. There is alot of good RP that can come out of a rule change like this but at the same time there's alot more opportunity for kill hungry people to abuse the change just for the sake of having the excuse to shoot someone.
  10. Hello I am the admin that administered your PK. Initially and admittedly there definitely was some oversight on my part from not seeing the movement from the perpetrator of the PK, However the initial circumstance was that i considered the PK valid because you had been put under Fear RP, retaliated, and died. At the time I did listen to your point that u did not hear anything ingame and did not understand that u were being put under fear RP BUT hearing anything other then ingame sounds such as listening to music or videos or in your case UFC does not make you immune to fear RP from other players, similar to how having bad wifi or hardware issues or other outside variables don't protect you from any repercussions ingame. With all this said though id say the reversal of this PK would be valid due to my oversight in not realizing the other party may have been using 3rd party cheats to gain an advantage.
  11. Someone made a suggestion about this a while ago im not sure if it was on the old forums or how well received it was but there should be an option (or have it forced) to show a counter of how many of a certain custom item has been spawned to show what items actually ARE very rare between the items that only have a stated word of mouth value. I wanted to bring back discussion for this since most of the current custom item market is sort of based on complete word of mouth and estimates based on how many players have been seen wearing the item or its price and etc and there's no complete universal measure for the value/rarity of every single custom item and considering there are a FUCKING LOT of custom items ranging from cassettes to clothes to accessories weapons ETC in circulation that are being sold every day it wouldn't hurt to actually know the rarity of what you are spending upwards of 100K-2mil on rather then just relying on the person being true to their word or needing someone thats deep into the custom item market to appraise the value of the item. this has been the suggestion
  12. Creambru

    Ban Appeal

    Hello, banning admin here While the situation had many factors to the event leading up to where you ended up shooting the people that you did the fact of the matter is not following escalation rules and just flat out shooting someone whos only fault was saying words to you is still constituted as RDM no matter the reason. As you say you felt you were being targeted/harassed by a staff member ICLY that is a matter you have to take into a staff report ticket, if he was actively going out of his way to damage you or any other members of your group it would be more understandable as to why you shot him but all he ever directed towards you was generally just words. Even if you wanted to keep your integrity or dignity intact from the dissing he was doing towards your group general disrespect STILL is not a valid reason to kill someone. If escalation rules were followed, you gave him a real active physical threat and he did not follow your commands to leave after these threats, THEN you would have had valid reason to shoot him, anything outside that weather your side wins or loses is fair game. Yes its annoying to have someone pursue and harass your group but as i said until the situation makes some sort of escalation from either side then the situation shouldn't escalate to just shooting them on sight with no warning, factions follow these same rules and there have been many situations where factions have gone face to face constantly disrespecting each other, planting flags/graffiti in each others territories, but never just flat out execution for these transgressions unless some sort of escalation was had, which i didn't find here. even if the cop would have shot/arrested you right then and there if you had followed escalation and threatened him with violence it still doesn't justify outright shooting both the cop and him to avoid being shot yourself, in my eyes you could have waited until the cop left to press him or just carry on about your regular business inside the ghetto until the situation died down with the dupe outside as neither party would have been able to escalate with one another without the cop's intervention. As i said i have no say on any external factors from this such as any staff abuse/baiting and you have the full right to make a staff report for it but the facts still constitute RDM and i handled them as i would any other RDM sit and believe the punishment was justified
  13. Not necessarily "Protecting" more so then just being held captive by you, Also You may not kill or attack people for stumbling onto your mugging or witnessing it. Mug in secluded locations to avoid being seen. You left the door unlocked and open during your mugging while having people running back and forth throughout the scene, even if he did punch your captive one singular punch at full health wouldn't have been able to kill your hostage or significantly injure them. as previously stated you only gave them a singular warning, also in your clip he backed up after dealing a single punch indicating that he only wanted to get a single punch in on your hostage, you only warned him to leave as he was in the act of dealing the singular punch that prompted you to kill him without ample warning, and if you had pointed your gun at him and told him to leave (or mugged in an area where people couldn't walk in and out on your mugging) then you most certainly wouldn't have had to kill him. and as for when you executed your friend you wouldn't have been "shot regardless" as nobody was around to do any shooting, nor would you have been outright shot with no escalation or warnings, what your friend did was stupid but not stupid enough to warrant immediate execution without any verbal or physical punishment. So as i said not really much else to say here considering your history and the fact that these two situations happened within almost an hour and a half of each other
  14. Banning admin here. I was involved with you in two separate sits. in the first sit i informed you that the next time you did something similar to this there would be punishment and i had given u the benefit of the doubt because this isn't the first nor second nor third time uve been noted/banned for RDM. In the clip you provided he only punched the man once, you gave him one singular warning and were already in the act of scrolling through your inventory to pull out a gun and shoot him with it, not even pointing the gun at him before giving him the warning just flat out executing him after saying "out" once. in this clip https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i6kv3L8xgqm1cXJNJ/d1337WlRTzqm?invite=cr-MSxH you executed what i presume was your friend for breaking a window, no warning no pulling out a firearm on him and warning him not to do it again, just straight up executing him. You also have RDM and VDM notes from just yesterday so there's just not really much else to say here
  15. +1 Good fella, mature and level headed aswell as a great RPER
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