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  1. dont even need to put it through a program and i can already tell it's ai +1
  2. I think Dool misunderstood his ban reason but it was something that a moderator found suspicious, and if I saw somebody go into a bush I would do the exact same thing. If I saw what direction they went in the bush I would mag dump that side of the bush. If I didn't see what direction they went in, I would mag dump either side of the bush. If anybody should be banned, it would be the muggers. You permanently banned a dedicated player off of a simple 50/50 guess.
  3. Known this guy for about a month, good player, wouldn't post a video if he wasn't hacking. i know theres video proof cheats or sum like that where it doesnt show in videos, but this guy isnt cheating vro. theres multiple crosshairs you can have through workshop and shit, this isnt exploits vro :broken
  4. +1 pls dont take my tickets i cant stand british accents
  5. I was thinking like amount of money/valued items sold to npcs and stuff, like the weed buyer, etc. I feel like if it just counted the money you were given, it could be easily manipulated
  6. wheres mike brown and his crew when you need them
  7. +1 Would be fire, like how much money you've made, spent, gambled, how many people you've killed, how many deaths you've had, stuff like that
  8. +1 I hate processing, something needs to be done to make it more interactive. Maybe one way to process is you can sit there for 5 minutes, but another way is you do some mini games and it lowers the time it takes to process your drug. If you mess up, it ruins the quality of the drug or it'll just completely get rid of it if you mess up too much. Mini games would be like quick time events, etc. I'm pretty sure this is been made a suggestion like 20 times but this times the charm or sum
  9. just happened to me, +1
  10. arth

    Bring back Backpacks

    Did they say why
  11. Backpacks are accessories that don't cost 300 usd to make or 500k to buy and are a way of transporting more drugs for big deals. I don't really remember how the system was but I think you could store big guns like shotguns and rifles in there without them showing up on your back, which could be useful as well. You have normal backpacks with small storage and larger backpacks, maybe duffle bags, with more storage. Although having more things like bricks, barrels, or guns has its drawbacks. The more items (depending on the weight) you put in there, the slower your character becomes, stamina may burn faster as well. No idea why they were removed but they should be added back.
  12. -1 7 months is insane. Even if you afk it, your bills must be through the roof. I've never had an interaction with you but you didn't put any effort into your application and you're generally disliked by the community so I see a lot of bias. You can be a cop main liked by everyone but you aren't and probably for a reason.
  13. arth

    Boom's Staff App

    +1 I knew him a while back and vro was a good guy who never intentionally broke any rules or minged. Crazy dedication to the server, fit to be a mod
  14. Nobody snitches because it's not worth it, only undercovers do this kinda stuff. You're forced to be a pd main if you go undercover in factions or become an informant, and pd isn't fun. If it was added it wouldn't be used at all and the time making this kind of thing could of been put into something more useful.
  15. It's not a bug it just hasn't been added. Can be easily added tho as there's already something that doesn't let you gamble 2 minutes before server restart
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