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  1. This would be amazing. We already build as many simple mechanical arcade machines that we can; a proper virtual video game arcade cabinet (or several) would be great. Leave the loading ROMS up to us and let us use MAME or whatever is available on the market already; I'm not sure what limitations exist but whatever we can get done would be glorious for RP and just for general fun.
  2. I used to RP on Graal and this is how typed text shows on that game. I love the idea. It’s a big change but a positive one. Many scenarios nothing should show, obviously,( like ads/rumors and whispers) but otherwise… ace idea. (Edit: I specifically only mention Graal because it’s a 2D game and the text was rather “intrusive” in nature, as it obstructed the screen; yet it still worked very well. Seeing people’s text (and there was a cut off after a couple sentences) over their head was a gift. You could also change the font/size client-side. Plenty of 3D games I’ve RP’d on have this and it works perfectly fine. A preview shows up over the character’s head and you easily match it with the text box. It’s a no brainer.)
  3. Yeah, now that I know better, this isn't a bug. At this point, more just echoed a suggestion to add something like this. Thanks for your replies, guys.
  4. Sometimes, the grind is just incredible like that. I get complete tunnel vision. I understand it's a bit of a dumb mistake to make. I'm just saying, once I realize the product won't finish and I cut it too close, I should be able to at least pick up my processor. It's not like I made a poor roleplay decision; it's a limitation of the game and the system. I'm only trying to increase quality of life for players and minimize losses for simple mistakes. I understand not everything is easy to implement/change but it's worth exploring to me, considering this isn't the first time I've heard of this happening. (It's just the first time it's happened to me.)
  5. I like the idea of losing your trigger finger and not being able to shoot anymore. Makes it a real consequence, as long as the system isn't abused. (It will be and you're right.)
  6. Is this intentional? I know I should have paid more attention, but I was on the grind with laundry and ended up having product stuck in the wash right before restart. Lost my processor and my product. Real serious bummer. If this isn't intended, and we are supposed to be stopped from processing during restart, that measure seems to be broken or at least glitched to where the server ate mine up. I couldn't pick up the processor or anything to prevent it once I saw that my product wouldn't finish before the last minute ended. Now, I'm stuck skiing out to barge and taking a loss on my trade. Sad day.
  7. I already roleplay getting gas. Don’t need some annoying feature forcing me to do it more than is necessary.
  8. Mansion area becoming a public pool and larger recreational park where more crime and seedy shit can happen would be tight. Maybe a cozy waterfront end, a parking lot that leads to tunnels, and a public pool and other entrance where the regular entryway to the mansion is. Just food for thought. Good place for deals, mugging, hiding out, whacking fools. Maybe a wooded thicket with diggable areas to hide and bury bodies. Etc. Just like a proper “seedy park with recreations” area instead of a big sexy eyesore nobody can utilize without being rich/connected.
  9. Surprised this doesn’t exist.
  10. There is a better saying than the old, “if you can’t do the time,” adage that you recall and it’s relevant to this specifically. “You can beat the rap but you can’t beat the ride.” Only in very recent times are people on “catch and release” or only cited and walked. In these times, unless you only earn a ticket, you take the ride. The station processes you and figures out if you’re worth making any charges stick while trying to make you feel like you’re dirt. It’s to discourage you from breaking the law again, especially if it’s a mundane one.
  11. In "real life" the "mob" makes most of their money from EXTORTION and always has. There's basically no actual way to implement this in game. It would mean a player controlled segment of society getting bent over for white collar crimes. Noone in a video game is dedicated enough to the RP struggle to get fucking visited every Sunday to pay 10% of their completely legitimate candy store. Get real.
  12. Still a good whitelist item.
  13. The age should definitely be a tillable area just like description. If you guys don’t wanna do birthdays and have us age as time goes then let us at least do our own thing and set our ages. People sometimes tweak their characters to fit things better; many of us/most have done it. Being able to set age wouldn’t affect anything but being able to age properly in RP.
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