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Everything posted by Pendred

  1. Originally removed due to an exploit, but frankly they looked retarded, everyone having a backpack on them, also offsets gameplay by vastly increasing inventory space, nah.
  2. Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team. Unfortunately, your application has been denied. You may apply again in 30 days. You may apply sooner if you receive permission from a Super Administrator or higher.
  3. Cops are intentionally on a different playing field to criminals. They are the whole gameplay counter to being a criminal. Makes no sense to have them subject to the same risks as criminals. As a criminal, you should be wanting to avoid police interaction, because the consequences for if not will be drastic. They can still be PK'd, but unlike criminals most of the situations they are in they are simply doing their job. It is not a criminals job to be arresting people or conducting lawful raids, why should they be punished for that? And why should it be a frequent occurrence? The main argument mentioned in this thread is about cops not "valuing" their life. If you make the decision to try and shoot and cop during being detained and get blasted, that's nobody's fault but yours. You made that decision, not them. Maybe don't be so quick to resort to violence, which I will repeat again is YOUR decision to do that. Think objectively for a second and not what selfishly benefits your roleplay as a criminal, you'll immediately realise why things are structured the way they are. If cops were subject to the same consequences for dying in certain situations; the server would immediately become stale because criminals have no risk and would be able to wipe the floor. No.
  4. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Even if you had off the bat apologised instead of trying to make silly excuses and not take responsibility, this isn't something you can just be like "sorry won't do it again" because there's no real way for us to know if you continue or not. Maybe in a couple of months you can re-appeal, or make a demonstration in another way that you won't do it again. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  5. I miss my anti-Canadian ally
  6. Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team. Unfortunately, your application has been denied. Next time try a little harder to conceal your identity You may apply again in 30 days. You may apply sooner if you receive permission from a Super Administrator or higher.
  7. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. Wasn't me, but you thought it was. Words aren't enough to demonstrate a change, if you're that desperate you can pay to be unbanned. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  8. Pendred

    Perma Ban Appeal

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  9. Pendred

    Perma Ban Appeal

    Unfortunate you decided to lie not only to us and ruin any chance of being unbanned, but also to your friends who you have misled. You should apologise to them Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:1:156498188 2025-01-12 10:02:42
  10. Pendred

    Perma Ban Appeal

    "then, a hour later, it was switched to Permanent for the same exact reason " We both know this isn't true!
  11. Pendred

    EMS System

    It would be cool to have but the sad reality is it just wouldn't work. Good ideas of implementing it though.
  12. Pendred

    EMS System

    EMS has not and never will work long term. There is not enough people who would take be interested enough to sustain it. Sure you have maybe a few people every couple months, but to rely on it for fundamental parts of gameplay, as well as UA having to chase people down to maintain activity, in return for something the server does function without isn't worth it.
  13. Roleplay is too much work? Maybe this isn't the server for you
  14. Means you have an alt account you're banned on... lol
  15. The 6 townhouses that existed before were never used, there is now 3 similar properties and 1 of them is still unowned. Vacant properties can be squatted in. No point in having an excess of properties that aren't going to be used whatsoever. Replace them with what, theater was mainly added because its in an area nobody goes that would be a waste of an actual faction property. It's also cool to have when people do want to use it. Addressed somewhat for next map update, however feel free to go through and make a list of what needs changing and fixing as we may have missed some things.
  16. Map is borderline perfect and there's not much I can think of that would make sense to be added/changed, but nonetheless I'm curious to hear what some of you think. Suggestions don't have to be entire buildings, it could be a change to a specific room, maybe a back door added to a property, something done with an alleyway, certain map props removed, anything.
  17. doesn't mean it has to stay that way... will note down and fix at some point, thanks for letting us know
  18. That was the steam name of the admin not the reason
  19. hey we already have a @Canadian-bacon
  20. Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team! It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted. Submit a ticket on our Discord for training and to get setup.
  21. Pendred

    Thanks bro!

    thanks for the 2 day ban dopeasroe! as if i didnt already get fucking pked but nooo fuck it im an admin i dont have to give af! 2 day ban for u even though i already received my punishment! Isnt that just beautiful dude cuz u definately didnt say u werent gonna ban me but give me a pk but change ur fucking mind bro who cares!
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