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  1. Today
  2. The person you think we poached from Columbo's, Beppe, is the man that posted this application. We didn't poach him, we haven't poached anybody. This is the last time any of us will address these made up accusations.
  3. James

    Ban Appeal

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  4. theres no way this nigga is serious -1
  5. lying like crazy rn, you poached people and got fucked for it
  6. It's not a big deal i just wanted to play on the server again lol but if i'm not allowed then that's fine. thanks for the short story.
  7. Your Character or Steam Name: Jakebirdo102 Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561198799655013 Your Discord ID#:bfpc Reason for ban: PO RDM Length of ban: 1 Year Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was banned for 1 year due to a incident involving me and another member of the public. Now that i look back on it, it was completely my fault and I'm sincerely sorry. I never should've escalated the incident by pointing my gun at the other individual. I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused, I really am, and i sincerly apologies to the admins and mods who had to put up with my doings. Why should you be unbanned? I really am sorry. I really mean it. Im sorry from the bottom of my heart. I have made bonds along the way, and in the worst times i know I always have a community that actually cares about me. I have absolutely learned my lesson and I really miss all my friends and all the fun i had on the server. Im sincerly sorry. Please. I really dont want to see the bonds that i made go down the drain. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):N/A
  8. Yesterday
  9. @Somespywhy would u say bad spelling and not help with appealing?
  10. Kewl


  11. There is no lore, it's just terrible writing made by a bunch of people who claim themselves to be "larpers". Implement something in it that makes you Greek, instead of saying "we're good with meats."
  12. well look at the gambinos, colombos, bonannos
  13. Both of these statements are just factually untrue.
  14. The video was accidentally removed. We added Lore in the doc and changes a few things on the app as we didn't want to go with the name of a real crime syndicate anymore. The video will probably be updated soon with a new one that's actually edited instead of just two randomly grabbed clips.
  15. Yes, we were told we shouldn't use a real life syndicate name. And the video in the original app was taken down but is now back up.
  16. + 900,250 How do I get in contact with the "Big Boss"
  17. -1 faction app so shit they tried to hide the evidence and their leader tried to poach guys by the way!
  18. For reference, 2 hours after my -1 they changed the name, slightly updated the rank list, and removed the youtube video showcasing RP. For the people who didn't get to see it, he ya go! (Nice Discord Overlay BTW)
  19. Your Character or Steam Name:San Smith Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:710040755 Your Discord ID#:lubaba24 Reason for ban:false mug Length of ban:1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):Apology was sorry for the people i mugged but i didnt take anything from them bc i returned them just needed content for youtube to promote the server. Why should you be unbanned?didnt mean to mug had adrealine after being on the sever for days straight and got my first gun im sorry for the ppl i fail mug as i was too excited to remeber the rules of mugging if i can get 1 more chance i like the server and ik i ruining it ik now as ive read over the rules over and over as i was banned Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  20. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  21. Banning Admin here, I'll be honest, I forgot to put NITRP and Lying to Staff on the ban reason. Your name is "earl smithfart", and in the sit you were generally just being a minge. In the clip you said that it was your friend and it was crossfire, YET, it wasn't a 1 shot to the head or anything like that, you had to of been actively aiming at the guy in the car and continued shooting him. This proved that it was fully your intention to kill this guy in the car at random. If it was crossfire and you only hit the driver once or twice sure I would've accepted that, but then again in the clip, there isnt anyone standing behind the car or even around the car BUT you. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2do6bKUikKOmOP/H3BCS3BuFs2g?invite=cr-MSxsVGUsMjM0MDk4MDk0LA I then checked the logs, and it said you killed 3 people within 1 hour, I then tped to those 2 other people and they were afk so with your recent lying to staff in the sit, I went ahead and just assumed you were rdming AFK people too. You don't have any PO's, but you are a brand new player with only 2 hours on the server, now I understand getting money isn't that hard as a new player, but someone willingly gave you a gun and you use it just to kill 3 people? That right there is why you got a 1 week ban instead of just a note or a shorter ban in my opinion. I will admit, the first one in your logs (Chief Sosa) did seem like a justified killing just by the logs, because he was punching you, you then killed him, but the 2nd one "Xodiyak" says there was no combat between you two, and you just killed him while he was AFK. TLDR: It wasn't crossfire, it was with full intention, you have No Intent To Roleplay and were directly lying to me, the staff member in the sit.
  22. Maybe later in life, after you have learned to read, write, spell, and count, you will have more success. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you
  23. What do you mean "leeching members?" every one of our members asked to join us?
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