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The Bank Secrecy Act & Money Laundering
RevampedRebel replied to LocalWelshman's topic in Suggestions
Maybe there's a way it could be done in a way kinda like the new "mini game" systems implemented for check forging or cleaning bodies etc that could generate shit for in game ledgers. Similarly there's a bunch of things that could/should be moved in game such as registrations, employee ledgers, hell we could maybe even make it so motions and other court paperwork could be done completely in game and stored in a file cabinet/database/ inbox system. Lotta stuff is done off server thru mega document rp that turns a lot of people off from doing it but if it's in game and more immersive more people might engage. -
Hi. I was the admin that approved your PK, your were killed for disrupting buisness/relations between your family and another allied family, does to your time on the server and your age in the faction I determined that you understood the weight of your actions when it came to faction relations. Your don thought the same and therefore asked for your death.
Like I said in a comment to a previous suggestion, I don't think money laundering will ever work unless the server develops a way to distinguish between "legal/clean money" and "dirty money". @Bodges has a really good idea regarding this. End of the day though, aside from bi-weekly flat rate taxes, no one wants to report any sort of income or do document rp. I tried it before 3 years ago and it wasn't very popular at all.
The Bank Secrecy Act & Money Laundering
theGameReaper replied to LocalWelshman's topic in Suggestions
Don’t we kinda already do this when the factions buy businesses? -
Your interpretation of the whole ordeal is wildly wrong. Funny enough, I did try to sit down with you and Sil together at the same time to talk about it but you were so slippery and refused to meet outside of the PD. I'm gonna give my side to UA via a UA ticket as I'm simply not trying to have everything metagamed but to put it bluntly, you're way off. I can say, with a high level of certainty, that you didn't die "because you took an opposing side of a case".
i mean peopole would just stop putting stuff in their atm then like being flagged for putting stuff in your atm is crazy i do think it'd be cool for like idk a stash feature cause to be fair putting drugs, and guns inside an atm doesn't make sense but idk
So on this server you make a business/enterprise and register "taxation industires" which are gonna be the categories of things you will be selling. ^here you can see the current industries and what specifies each one. So for example if you want a restaurant you choose the "food & beverage" industry. Price varies from category to category. For more info just read this Normally now adays they get to do an auction for properties that are up for sale, and they usually range in the mils For more info i would recommend just going in the NY gov discord and asking in the questions channel, or you could make a ticket with either the DOP (property ppl, or the DOC (business ppl)
Name of Character: Harleen Sinclair SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82360286 Your Discord ID#: engineergaming7009 Date of PK: 03/27/2025 Reason for PK: My don, Sil, issued PK orders on me at the request of an allied Don solely because I was opposing counsel to him on two specific civil lawsuits. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: For a little background, Harleen Sinclair is a retired hire command for Legacy/Corsicans, my whole job was originally I was the Director of Legal Affairs AKA I ran the law firm which was registered with the DoC as the Legacy Enterprise. When I became District Attorney I retired from high command and stayed on solely as a lawyer. All I ever did in that faction was represent faction members occasionally when they got arrested and took civil lawsuits whenever someone contacted the Legacy lawfirm. In this role, shittor on his Detective Porcello character contacted me saying he wanted to hire the firm to defend him against a defamation lawsuit. I had a settlement meeting between my client and opposing counsel, who was Robert McCloskey AKA Revampedrebel and his clients the Laventines. They were suing Porcello for defamation because he called them an organized crime family in public. Truth is a defense to defamation, so I told them if they dont drop the lawsuit I'll have to prove in court with NYPD files that they are a crime family, putting it on the record, and they dropped it. But McCloskey was mad about this and went to Sil, who ordered me to drop it, and the case ended out of court. Then fast forward to now, I'm representing Alexander Price in his lawsuit against the PBA, who hired Robert McCloskey as a lawyer. We had multiple witnesses for the civil lawsuit so we were organizing depositions at the PD. He asks over discord if me and my client can make tonight between 6-7 for the deposition, we say yes and we wait. He messages me saying he's busy with an assignment and he's running late, so I'm sitting in the PD afk waiting for him when I get PKed on Sils orders. This is stupid. I'm a 100% legal law RP character, who got PKed by my own faction because I'm winning civil lawsuits against opposing counsel Robert McCloskey, the don of another faction! This shouldn't be a valid PK reason. Particularly since I've been on Harleen regularly, even when Sil is online and speaking with him, and he hasn't tried to have me PKed before now; only when I'm involved wth the PBA lawsuit does he have me killed. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
- Yesterday
The Bank Secrecy Act & Money Laundering
LocalWelshman replied to LocalWelshman's topic in Suggestions
What’s that gotta do with me suggesting a system to money launder -
Somebody lost alot of money
What are the costs of properties for faction owners?
+1 Realistically, cops would definitely catch on when people deposit or make a lot of money like when they process their drugs or sell their drugs. Having ways to explain it with legitimate businesses like gun stores, clothing stores, etc would be cool and brings more risk when you're doing high profile stuff that gives you a lot of money (trade/crew deals, selling class 4 guns). Right now the only way for cops to really tap into the criminal world is just through being an undercover agent and that's mainly detectives only, adding this brings more criminal and cop rp. Could maybe have a separate division like IA to investigate suspicious withdraws or deposits. Honestly this could tie into the briefcases suggestion. There will be a max amount of cash you can carry in your wallet so people don't avoid the update entirely by just not depositing anything, but you can also fill briefcases with money and put them in your bank for big cash deals. Briefcases are limited though so you won't be able to fill much, maybe around $25,000 with the cost of the briefcase costing $5,000? If you want to fill higher amounts, you either have to a) upgrade the briefcase with some npcs that trade, into an upgraded briefcase which can carry $50,000 b) buy a duffle bag from barge or sewer npc which can carry $250,000 but is risky as it can show up on your back when carrying it at full/near full amount as well as showing "carrying a large sum of money" red text kind of similar to the package event thing
The Bank Secrecy Act & Money Laundering
LocalWelshman replied to LocalWelshman's topic in Suggestions
It’s not a way to make more money. It’s a way to legitimise the money. Essentially if over a certain amount let’s say 1m was placed into a bank. It would be flagged to someone within the government and an investigation can be triggered. To avoid this it allows criminals to have more RP by legitimatising the money e.g putting the money through legitimate business so it doesn’t flag (would be shown through paperwork). It is a way to make things more realistic. Obviously the methods and steps would need more discussion, and things would be need to looked at more clearly such as storage within the bank. But it offers positives for everyone, including the economy by slowing down how much spendable legitimate money is in it. -
so like any suggestion on how to do this or also is this a way to make money or more pd stuff to arrest people
The Bank Secrecy Act & Money Laundering
LocalWelshman replied to LocalWelshman's topic in Suggestions
Improves crime RP and makes it so you can’t just throw 3 mil into a bank without consequences of said government/police. Now Ik drugs and such can be put into the bank. Which is why this may not happen, however if there was a different way to store drugs and such in a more realistic sense then I think this could work and be a good idea -
An idea I thought of was how about we make a step in crime RP to actually launder money? Would be a big process in implementing ways we can launder the money to make it appear legit. However I feel it would be great for RP (to actually follow steps like the real mob). It also gives a big possibility for police to catch big crime bosses and families. I see it as a way to benefit everyone, some may not agree as it gives a way for people to get caught lol. Crime RP gets a new process to launder money and improve RP, police RP gets a new way to catch people. Could also slow the economy down depending how fast someone can launder said money. I might be speaking out of my ass and waffling nonsense that may not work just an idea to discuss
Clothing is through Donating, not 100% sure how to get gun rackets, oil trade is if you make a legal oil faction application and restaurant is buying a property and then a business license with the food and beverage license
find out icly
Yeah like some factions have oil trades while some have arms, clothing, restaurants etc. How does that system work like, and what are the costs for establishing?