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Pk appeal


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Name of Character: Archer "Archie" Bell SteamID: 76561199132180511

  Your Discord ID#: 677767349373370368 (discord username: dinkydii)

Date of PK: 7/9/2024

Reason for PK: the only reason I was given was that I was a "suspected rat"

Why should you be unPK'd? I feel like my pk is unjust and not fair at all being that Ive spent tons and tons of hours on that char, almost was on everyday 

What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I feel like my pk appeal should be appealed because "suspected rat" is not a valid reason to get someone pked

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelineshttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ieLJD3AUdak3JVrp-/d1337lqsVuSj?invite=cr-MSxXUzgsMjEzMTkyMzQwLA

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Hey I'm the boss of the faction that pked you and you got whacked for two reason, First off you were supposed to be whacked due to you breaking rule .7 of my faction which is "No Robbing/Mugging unless approved by a made man" which it was not also the guy you robbed not only did he have your f3 not very smart to rob a guy who has your name but also he was a part of a faction we do lots of business with and they requested you be killed. While we looked into this matter we found out it was possible we had a rat and you have no money, reason to think you will be killed due to the mugging and just got out of jail free of charges because you "Sweet Talked" a Officer all signs pointed to you. 

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  On 7/10/2024 at 4:03 AM, RaeSlaughter said:

Hey I'm the boss of the faction that pked you and you got whacked for two reason, First off you were supposed to be whacked due to you breaking rule .7 of my faction which is "No Robbing/Mugging unless approved by a made man" which it was not also the guy you robbed not only did he have your f3 not very smart to rob a guy who has your name but also he was a part of a faction we do lots of business with and they requested you be killed. While we looked into this matter we found out it was possible we had a rat and you have no money, reason to think you will be killed due to the mugging and just got out of jail free of charges because you "Sweet Talked" a Officer all signs pointed to you. 


I talked to the don of the family that I mugged the guy in and I payed him double of what I stole off him. He forgave me for my past after I talked to him, we became somewhat chill with each-other and traded suits and what not. I was never told anything about the no mug rule until it was too late. I was even told by a guy who was a higher rank then me that it was okay to do so, and me not having money has nothing to do with sweet talking the police. I literally was robbed out of all my suits and all my money out of my bank ( a friend stole it all off me), and I also gamble a shit ton which leaves me broke most of the time. I feel like I shouldve gotten more guidance from people who are higher up then me., as iam mostly the only one on all day besides tommy. In my opinion I deserve a second chance.

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I was the PKing administrator,

You were PK'd via Don's Orders submitted by The Bonnano Crime Family. The reasoning was breaking family rules, snitching, and mugging allies. All of these reasons are valid reasoning for someone to get PK'd via Don's Orders. Just because everything was "resolved" doesn't mean that the infraction didn't happen, meaning that they can still kill you even with whatever attempt was made towards making amends. As explained by Rae, the Bonnano Don, these family rules are set in stone and you disregarded them, resulting in your characters life ending.



You knowingly took the risk of joining a criminal organization. This is something that is prompted and warns you when you are whitelisted into the faction.


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RIP Archer Bell

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The risks of joining a crime family as illustrated above, even as you made an attempt to amend the situation with the victim party your don has the right to order your death if he believes your actions to have put the family at risk. I see no server rule being broken here which would invalidate the don's orders.


Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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