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Keith Tucker PK Appeal

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Name of Character: Keith Tucker

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90789839

Your Discord ID#: Rufie.

Date of PK: 07.07.24

Reason for PK: Law enforcement agent or something with dons order

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: On the basis the staff who PKd me stated that the reason for PK is that i was an undercover agent or something. I was with faction member the whole time conducting business deals and trades making money the entire time. This character was not affiliated with any cops or anything and was not a rat or a snitch who done anything to break the rules let alone law or house laws. I've been responsive and done all I did. Apparently I asked a couple suspicious questions like "what racket do we run" or "who is the big boss" [which are normal questions to ask when youre new and you know.. being trained...] but they took it as suspicious and im an under cover fed? Whilst i also clarified and tested i have no wires and spoke with the [boss] head in private in a room? Its like i was hired to be PKd lol, esp when the person showing me around did not clarify what racket we had or who the bosses were to respect and make way for.. and the one person i happened to ask for help with was the big boss himself.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

Edited by TroubledGhost
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Hello, PKing administrator here,

The O'Haras decided to send a order out to kill you for suspicion of becoming a federal agent. Regarding the PK reason, the ruling on these is pretty loose and you can die for any valid reasoning your HC gives. This was made aware to you upon joining the O'Haras via the popup when whitelisted. The reason this was valid was because in the PK rules and guidelines, they can order to kill you if they have reasonable suspicion that you are a rat, whether it is actually true or not.


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Just getting hired and then pkd the same day is crazy 💀

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buddy was suspect, what can we say.

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These were questions that should've been given during the hiring process and not something to be asked later on. This is on you. and there were 2 questions at most. There was literally nothing else suspect. After which i was told be careful not to ask anything else and I complied and haven't asked anything since then.

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2 hours ago, TroubledGhost said:

These were questions that should've been given during the hiring process and not something to be asked later on. This is on you. and there were 2 questions at most. There was literally nothing else suspect. After which i was told be careful not to ask anything else and I complied and haven't asked anything since then.

Yes, I should have told a brand new employee that I am the Don of a Irish Mafia and that we love to sell Methaqualudes. God I am such an idiot!

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Not don... "keith, youre with this guy. This guy is your boss. Listen to him and keep the money coming". "oh also we sell Miso soup so dont get caught and dont snitch" would be nice - not... hm.. youre a federal agent, bubye 

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Being that there's no evidence that you knew about their illegal stuff, and hammer said he didn't tell you who the boss was or what racket you had, it's safe to say that this pk is invalid.

In matters like this, especially on consideration that the player had been in the faction less than 4 hours before pk, we have to keep in mind that you can't pk new hires who aren't aware of your illegal activities, and you may be asked to provide proof that they did know.

On consideration of the admission that this guy wasnt even told what racket they had, and that he was only in the faction for 4 hours, and the fact that he never once used the vendor, this PK will be accepted. The knowledge that he had of any illegal activities is void, just in case, and obviously he won't remember being pked. He will just be unwhitelisted from the faction.


Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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