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Ban Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Killerbugjuice38

Your SteamID: 76561199230997308

Your Discord ID#: lost_memory. ( I don't know how to retrieve my id)

Reason for ban: " Prop Minge - LTAP "

Length of ban: 2-Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am making this dispute for the reason I was banned. I was banned for the reason of "Prop Minge" And "Ltap" Both of these factors I was not in control or unaware of.

Why should you be unbanned? I believe I should be unbanned for the reason being that I have made a ticket in the discord to ask about the legitimacy of the ban. I was told that spawning in a fort/tent in city hall is not considered prop abuse. When the staff interaction first began, I was with my friend outside of a restaurant where I had spawned in two Tents. I was told it was an hinderance of the entrance to the restaurant. I complied and removed the one closest to the door as not to cause issues while keeping the second tent which was further from the door. That is when a staff member while cloaked deleted the initial second tent and did not say anything to me so I assumed I was still too close to the door so thus I moved spawned in one further from the doorway. I was then frozen and the third tent was deleted. After sitting frozen for awhile I was brought into a sit where I was confronted and told I was going to be banned for "Prop Abuse". This was changed and alternated multiple times from Prop Minge to Prop abuse, I asked how spawning them in was prop abuse/minge and the admin replied that it was abuse for the reason being that I spawned it into the city hall. I agreed and went on to state that I would not spawn it in there anymore now that the confusion was handled. The staff member did not agree and went on to scold me and tell me that I was going to be banned and that it doesn't matter if I don't do it anymore. He stated that I've "already done it". After going back and forth for a little, I believed we came to a conclusion to my best knowledge. Unfortunately while I was speaking my game froze and I was disconnected for "Too many voice packets". I attempted to rejoin but as I did I was met with a banned screen. Now I believe I should be unbanned because I have spoken with Monaclu about if it was infact prop minge / abuse to spawn in a tent in city hall; he then stated it was not. And as for the matter of Leaving to avoid punishment, It was not in my ability to stop the matter of my disconnect.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):


Edited by KillerBugJuice38
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Staff in question who administered the ban is: H4xx3z

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Hello, I was the admin that banned you. I would first like to correct something you stated. You say I bounced between saying it prop abuse and prop minge, I did not. I only ever stated you were prop abusing. Initially, you setup some big teepees in front of a restaurant in city hall. I proceeded to go over and delete them and as I deleted them you mocked situation and proceeded to put another tee pee next to the old teepees' location. I then froze you so you wouldn't keep spawning and so I may delete and bring to you a sit. In the sit, I made you aware of your extensive POs and recent long bans. Your most recent po was for prop abuse issued by monaclu himself. Given that the other po's were not related to prop abuse, however recent, I was going to initially ban for just a day. Both locations where you setup your teepees were right in front of a restaurant and most certainly blocking the way. there was no roleplay you were engaging in and given by your past record, indicating you have had more than 1 sit and have been warned about rule breaking in past to include prop abuse and most recent 30 day ban for lying to staff, I did not believe you when you said you did not know better. While deciding your punishment you vanished on me and there I increased it from 1 to 2 days ban. As well as, inform you that based on your record you don't have much wiggle room for more errors.

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Posted (edited)

I would like to mention you haven't talked about me being banned for "LTAP" and reviewing the clip. I would also like to add that you did not inform me about the problem with the props you just deleted them. I would also like to add that the roleplay was legitimate, I was roleplaying as a native American and put down teepee's for me and my friend. When you removed them I moved it further. Taking into account my Past Offences is just a swaying factor in deciding it has nothing to do with the dispute I am currently making. If you *actually* reviewed the evidence (the clip) you would see that I didn't just vanish. I was disconnected. This quite frankly doesn't cover anything and I ask that you properly review the clip before saying that I "vanished".  If you would like to display any of your own evidence to back up your claims I would be glad to see what I've done that was wrong except place down two tents and be co-operative with you in a staff sit and get disconnected from a glitch.

Edited by KillerBugJuice38
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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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