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Tim Simmons PK Appeal


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Greg Simmons



Date of PK: 6/21/24

 Wrongfully killed by a man with a gun for no reason at all


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Firstly, Follow the Template here: 

Name of Character:


Your Discord ID#:

Date of PK:

Reason for PK:

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:


Hello, Pking admin here so you were PKed for having Dons Orders on you. When you join a faction there is a little pop-up that says that when you join a faction the don has the right to kill you for breaking faction rules. In your case, it was due to you leaving the faction without approval from the faction leader. While leaving the faction itself is not grounds for a PK seeing as you were so low of rank doing anything illegal like drugs or weapons for example would result in a PK. 

(● If they have left the gang/family without approval from the leader, while holding the position of made man+ (or appropriate equivalent), they may be subject to a PK. Entry level associates who are not made or deeply committed to the organization may leave without harm as their position is low and they know very little. (Security, waiters, doormen, drivers, etc) <You will be asked to provide evidence of rank> This does not apply if they have partaken in criminal actions, drug manufacturing/murder/robbery/etc. (However these actions must be verified). Generally under most don's orders.)

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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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