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Ricky Stickys PermaBan Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: RickySticky 

Your SteamID STEAM_0:1:174143021

Your Discord ID#: 350830893473988619

Reason for ban: Alt Account of: STEAM_0:0:834294841

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): My wife got a 4 day ban we have to separate computers and accounts i believe it was a bot that did the perma ban because we are on the same IP address 

Why should you be unbanned? Because i did not break any rules , i have also been apart of this community for almost a year now and have made several donations. 



Additional Information (images, videos, etc): 



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Unban this man


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+1 legendary pymp

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+1 For sure man!

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Can confirm him and his wife both play, (user error on Sticky's part). +1

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+1 free my man

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usually people do the old hard to believe "My little brother dun it" but this mans story seems legit. +1

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ive known of this fella for probably a year now, from all my interactions guy does nothing but rp and stay out of trouble and i could never imagine him doing this maliciously!

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Try not to make this error again pal

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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