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Carpenter's Ban Appeal

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11 minutes ago, 4Lights said:

hylix is gonna be such a better server guys! I can't wait!


You made a char explicitly for mugging, got them into an 'allied faction' and did so deliberately to settle OOC beef and to cause discontent while preaching how much better Hylix was going to be.


Not true. I did not make a mugging character. It was literally my cop character who had been fired. I had him for quite a while. Again, I’m not sure what OOC beef you are talking about. As far as I am concerned, I was generally on good terms with everyone. To address your meme.
1.) Diverge was not dead, that makes no sense. I loved Diverge and played it practically every day. I was active and had many friends there.
2.) Already covered this, not an alt-mugging character.
3.) Remember the timeline. This was after all the events that had taken place. I am not claiming to be in the right for this. I had many messages coming from multiple people trash-talking me. I responded carelessly and I apologize.
4.) Naturally.
I am not completely and utterly blameless in the situation, I am apologetic for any rules I did break. I just believe the 6 months have been just and would like to come back on. Thanks for your input and your meme lol.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Carpenter said:

I’m unsure what in particular you wanted me to “reach out to you” about.
1.) People do not typically go talking to the person they just PKed as far as I am aware.
2.) I was permanently banned from Diverge and did not know how to contact you outside of that. And I was not going to go around asking “Hey! Do you know a way I can talk to Susan Medici?”
Nor do I understand why you would presume I was seeking to cause harm or damage to “multiple people/factions.” I had no reason to do so. OOC, I was on generally good terms with everyone as far as I am concerned. And genuinely, I do not recall ever explicitly speaking with or to you. I don’t doubt that for my short period as a Lucchese associate, we may have come in contact as I was somewhat "friends" with Pistol P when I had first joined the server. Besides that, I do not remember having any sort of possible contact with you. I still hold to the fact that as the mugging took place I was not targeting you. I do not personally know you.
Either way, I appreciate your response.

You really are trying to skate around the fact you didn't know me is just funny now. You don't remember the night you did everything and how to even got to that point?
YOU personally asked me IC to get the keys fixed in room H (When there are plenty of other associates in the city/out front of Imperial and could've actually put in a ticket for it) and as soon I LOOC in the room (Which was in logs/screenshot lmao before it happened) I'm gonna switch to my staff char to get it resolved in the room you and your buddies (The ones who were unauthorized to even have whitelists to 14k) decided to mug me there. I'm not even going to argue anymore, letting UA make their decision on this mess. 

Edited by caboose
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1. You were talking mad shit about Diverge. Cassanos moved to fivem and I suspect only reason you want to come back is because you think Cassano's are gonna be accepted.

2. You were banned for it, so I'm guessing your defense of 'it was not an alt-mugging character was inadequate', considering you were clearly using the char to settle another chars beef.

3. The timeline was literally when Hylix was about to do it's "first launch" and was in beta, and anyone with the 'beta' password ( you could get from their dicord ) could enter and was averaging about 50 people at peak times and I remember you specifically being a fervent supporter of hylix, going out of your way to say how much better it was going to be.


" who doesn't contribute to the community or roleplay and just wants to inflict harm, for no other reason than being a spiteful dog"
" And when they inevitably come crawling back, there will be not be another chance. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." ~ Pendred


( Good luck buddy. )


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11 minutes ago, 4Lights said:

1. You were talking mad shit about Diverge. Cassanos moved to fivem and I suspect only reason you want to come back is because you think Cassano's are gonna be accepted.

2. You were banned for it, so I'm guessing your defense of 'it was not an alt-mugging character was inadequate', considering you were clearly using the char to settle another chars beef.

3. The timeline was literally when Hylix was about to do it's "first launch" and was in beta, and anyone with the 'beta' password ( you could get from their dicord ) could enter and was averaging about 50 people at peak times and I remember you specifically being a fervent supporter of hylix, going out of your way to say how much better it was going to be.


" who doesn't contribute to the community or roleplay and just wants to inflict harm, for no other reason than being a spiteful dog"
" And when they inevitably come crawling back, there will be not be another chance. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." ~ Pendred


( Good luck buddy. )


1.) I've never been affiliated with the Cassanos. I didn't even know they were on FiveM, and no, I am not making an appeal so I can be a part of them.
2.) You keep saying I was settling OOC issues or another character's beef. I still have no idea what you're talking about. As far as I am concerned, I was generally on good terms with everyone.
3.) I didn't even know that "beta" happened, so no lol. Believe it or not, this is literally the first time I've heard of it. I was only aware of a PvP server long ago.
Thank you for your good wishes.

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Posted (edited)

lowkey what'd he even do to warrant a perm ban, like all I've got from this is he fail mugged someone and to do that he made a false staff ticket and talked shit on diverge like he sounds like a goober but this shouldn't have been a perm ban maybe like a month or smth



Edited by Gent
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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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