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Ban appeal Apology

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Your Character or Steam Name: Jakebirdo102

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561198799655013

Your Discord ID#:bfpc

Reason for ban: PO RDM

Length of ban: 1 Year

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was banned for 1 year due to a incident involving me and another member of the public. Now that i look back on it, it was completely my fault and I'm sincerely sorry. I never should've escalated the incident by pointing my gun at the other individual. I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused, I really am, and i sincerly apologies to the admins and mods who had to put up with my doings.

Why should you be unbanned? I really am sorry. I really mean it. Im sorry from the bottom of my heart. I have made bonds along the way, and in the worst times i know I always have a community that actually cares about me. I have absolutely learned my lesson and I really miss all my friends and all the fun i had on the server. Im sincerly sorry. Please. I really dont want to see the bonds that i made go down the drain.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):N/A
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-1, AI

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theres no way this nigga is serious 💀💀💀




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21 hours ago, Jimmy Hoffa said:

-1, AI

Not ai but ok


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+1 i know this guy for over 3 years now and i think it’s time for him to come back he’s to be frank really really good in roleplay imo one of the best. yes he might not be perfect but it was proven the reason he was banned was due a lot of minges that got banned also making a YT vid. give this man a last chance i will bet you he will be active and be on his best behavior. i personally really like the kid and i believe this ban is very long as he already did time and seen his lesson

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he was cleaning up his act, got caught in an unfortunate circumstance to be banned again, he had recently become a lawyer and was taking the game a lot more serious than ever had. He just wants to come back to be part of the community and play with his friends again

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He's been away for a while and still has a desire to partake in the community. Shows for one he does care about diverge and given the time he's been away, it can be said he has learned from his mistakes.  He's a good person, roleplayer and friend. I hope he returns

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I remember the day this happened and it was from a "Crip" running around the server LITERALLY baiting everyone into killing him then calling sits right after. It was blatant. This same "Crip" I killed 3 times before staff would help me with the situation. I understand he has prior offenses as well but who doesn't.

I've spoken with him a lot since he's been gone and he is true and genuine when he says he will be better. He's always been a man of high character and its not fair some bull shit ass "Crip" got him banned.

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Posted (edited)

Your ban was already reduced from a perma which you got for having a stupidly long PO 19 bans and 15 notes, from this we could see that you had no intention of RPing on the server and had many chances to prove otherwise.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by James
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