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Dynamic Weather / Snow Map

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As the title suggests dynamic weather would create a different feel to the map on a daily basis. - There are currently a few workshop addons for this already.

If dynamic weather is an impossible feat or perhaps would just be to annoying to get added which is understandable, A good alternative might be creating a snow covered version of the new map for when winter rolls around as is done in GTA V online during winter. I used to say this would be cool af in vc's fairly often and it could actually be attainable now that diverge has its own version of the southside map.


I'm sure most of yall play or have played GTA V but I just thought i'd add the example anyway:


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Fuck the weather, we need those pants.

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Just now, PecanPieFan said:

Fuck the weather, we need those pants.


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omg yes a southside snow map!!!! @Pendred

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Not again with this. Every December the snow function kills the poor/older pc owners frame rate. The console command to turn it off never works. 

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Isn't there a skybox addon that can be used for weather and lightning, etc? I remember trying it out in singleplayer one time for southside but I'm not sure if it'll be a strain on server resources.

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49 minutes ago, bingus said:


Isn't there a skybox addon that can be used for weather and lightning, etc? I remember trying it out in singleplayer one time for southside but I'm not sure if it'll be a strain on server resources.

the only one that ik is atmos, but its very buggy and laggy. and im pretty sure there are backdoors in it

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+1 I think this would be really cool, but also idk how it'd be to program, might be a bit too much. Also frame rate issues may come and that'd definitely suck, but if it can work I'd love this!

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Would be pretty good but I think for the most part it will destroy FPS. 


Full capped server + rain = lag city baby

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On 4/8/2024 at 11:28 PM, Darkfire said:

Not again with this. Every December the snow function kills the poor/older pc owners frame rate. The console command to turn it off never works. 

For the snow I'm suggesting a version of the map that has snow all over the roads, roofs and trees not an active snowfall weather addon. That way there wouldn't be frame drops, there would be no active snow dropping Infront of your screen like last winter.


On 4/9/2024 at 1:53 AM, MxR said:

the only one that ik is atmos, but its very buggy and laggy. and im pretty sure there are backdoors in it

I have this weather addon https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=531458635 however I'm not sure if it would be any better for large server use. Anyhow at this point this suggestion post has mainly become making the server more winter esque during Christmas time since weather mods seem to be to much which is understandable.

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cool in theory, but hard to re-produce optimally.

i did make one for this past Christmas, but once again, any rain/snow effects that arent built directly into the map are going to be laggy for clients.

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Snow would be awesome

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I think it was the same situation with the snow on the server. It just made the server too lagy. I think the idea is really good if we could figure out a way to make it not drop FPS all the time could be a good addition to the server. 

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On 4/8/2024 at 10:46 PM, Palma said:

nice cheeks



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16 hours ago, Shittor said:


the average diverge staff comment

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Stormfox addon would be sort of cool however it does sort of mess with the lighting a bit too much

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  • 2 weeks later...

rain update + diverge sickness update = 100% immersion!

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On 4/30/2024 at 12:52 AM, Faith said:

rain update + diverge sickness update = 100% immersion!

rain at random and snow during the winter months would help be immersed. New york isnt new york without the rainy days, we need this fr

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  • 3 weeks later...

-1 I can’t wait for the eternal lag this would bring. Get ready to have no dupes, and no vehicles 

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  • 4 weeks later...

+1 hasn't snowed in NYC for like 3 years, wtf 

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