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MeatyFranks Ban Appeal (With Cake)


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2 hours ago, MeatyFranks said:

It's been 3 years, Pendred. I've done a lot of growing in that time. I got a job, I'm currently going to college, and I'm living my best life. I just want to play some Gmod with my friends in my downtime. Ive grown out of that person you once knew.

shit look at kash, bro has NOT grown in like 4 years, bro's in the same boat as you but like ive never had a problem with you type beat. its just like bro you should be blacklisted from pd NOW like the disrespect on my homeboy jon bunion will not be tolerated 💯  also can we put this guy handsome's head on a spike like bro you -1 every ban appeal

Edited by arth
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