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Ban Appeal : Indexcicive


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Your Character or Steam Name: Indexcicive

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): (STEAM_0:0:117683863)

Your Discord ID#: Indexcicive

Reason for ban: RDM

Length of ban: 5 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I recently had the opportunity to figure out why I was banned.  I am sure some miscommunication occurred, so I am making this appeal right now. My faction has a company called "Lucky Lady Security Solutions", which is filed through as a business. We were hired to protect the Irish Property. What happened was that some bikers came over to the property and started hitting some of the property owners. The members did assault  It led to a melee fight; multiple warnings were given for the group to leave the area.  The SOS group members pulled out items such as toy guns, (which was ID'ed later before firing), and then melee weapons after. 

I understand that there is an importance of maintaining the server rules and ensuring a fair play. I have experienced these situations before and have tried to ensure I don't break these rules to a T; so this wasn't some random instance where I randomly showed up in the situation just because. In this situation, I didn't perceive this action as a violation, nor did I intend it to be at all. I was under the assumption that what I was doing was for the basis of defense; and that the defense we did was justified. I appreciate the time and consideration that you all would take in reviewing this appeal. 

Best regards, 



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I want to add, there was a lot of mess in that situation regarding the people escalating and hitting. I remember very carefully giving people orders to leave the area. 

I didn't think this would be an issue, so I didn't take any clips of the situation. 

The way it went down was one person was told to leave, and they came back with a group of SOS people, I believe three or four. They pulled out nerf guns, and Lucky Lady Security Solutions demanded that they leave the area, given that the one person was already causing a commotion and was told to leave the general area. This was a person wearing a helmet and SOS uniform. Same description as to when he came back, and his voice easily recognizable. I can't remember who started meleeing, however it went to one of the Irish bar owners being hit, which from then, given our consecutive warnings, and given the situation turning lethal, we secured the situation. 

I want to re-iterate that I didn't just randomly pop out of nowhere. 

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This is correct. He was hired to do some security work for my property with the full right to engage in anyone who hurts the property and its people. A group of the bikers came over causing issues with toy-guns and causing issues around the property, and a melee-brawl took place. If the correlation to his RDM being that he was just some random person and not someone somewhat involved in the situation, then this needs to be looked at as in RP he had the go ahead to do security for my business. Maybe he could have not used a weapon and used melee, but he is outside of the conflict and simply doing his job and encouraging RP. If it is still deemed RDM, then maybe a reduction should be considered as he was just simply doing his job and encouraging RP on the server. We should be punishing the minges that do it on purpose, not the ones who do it through RP means. 


Edited by Thomas
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Banning Admin here,


You were banned for 5 days because of your recent POs. Yes you did not appear out of nowhere you walked around the car and shot. I understand the situation looks very chaotic. We've decided it was an escalation (due to the boiling point) which turned into a valid fight with Melee weapons. You could've killed the people you shot at if they shot at the people with their melee weapons

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On 2/28/2025 at 12:06 AM, xDutchCat said:

Banning Admin here,


You were banned for 5 days because of your recent POs. Yes you did not appear out of nowhere you walked around the car and shot. I understand the situation looks very chaotic. We've decided it was an escalation (due to the boiling point) which turned into a valid fight with Melee weapons. You could've killed the people you shot at if they shot at the people with their melee weapons

Hi there admin, I killed the people because they hit the Irish with melees. That's why I fought back. There is a video I just saw on the player report and that shows their group hitting the Irish group with Melees. 

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The video you mentioned, found here, shows a proper escalation between factions, following the conflict rules designated for their level. You, as hired security, are not able to step in and involve yourself with said conflict, as it's between those two factions.


The only person you killed in this incident, was a person not involved in the attacks with melee weapons. While you wait out the duration of your ban, go over both server rules, and conflict rules, to prevent this from happening again. 


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by adam
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