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PK appeal


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Name of Character: Mike "Junkie" Fieri


Your Discord ID#:939658992282648578

Date of PK: 2/27/2025

Reason for PK: Unsure

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Possible metagaming due to past rp situations

I think Jmoorsey was metagaming because he was helping Togna with locker password and Togna said the locker password has always been like that and I said no he just changed it. Then the admin (Jmoorsey) was like that's what i just said) he knew where i was because he heard me out of character

It wouldnt let me upload video file so heres link: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jMyUtLyMfh158KbM0

Edited by trvvo
Left out evidence
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Hello, I was the admin that approved the PK.

You were set active for "shooting at close business partners and ignoring orders from High Command" They then contracted another faction to go and kill you.
When joining an illegal faction you have prompted a message, signing away your life to the faction/family and if you break any of their faction rules they can go ahead and get rid of you, like they did in this instance.
I am not too sure what you mean by "admin power abuse" if you wouldn't mind replying and explaining further I'd appreciate it.

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Jmoorsey was helping one of my business partners with password so he heard me and knew where i was so he used what i said when he was ooc during his time when he was admin helping a roleplayer as a advantage


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48 minutes ago, trvvo said:

Jmoorsey was helping one of my business partners with password so he heard me and knew where i was so he used what i said when he was ooc during his time when he was admin helping a roleplayer as a advantage


Hi, I noticed you mentioned me in this PK appeal.

Im replying to tell you I did not staff abuse in this situation. 

Staff abuse is a very serious act, and me risking a permanent ban over a PK is simply not worth it.

Unfortunately for you, this PK was not metagamed, I have pager system logs to provide to you to help you in this appeal.

The order was written because you shot, and attempted to kill a highly respected business partner over at your establishment.

your argument saying I metagamed because I took someones ticket is also invalid, as the ticket was made moments after this discussion on pager iirc.

They can be viewed here:

https://imgur.com/a/DAoN79Q (Saying wonderful because I said I am in city. I knew of this because I knew of the order that was given, I ICly recieved the order.)

https://imgur.com/a/NBIITyp (Me letting the person that wrote your orders to leave the door open so that I may preform the PK)

https://imgur.com/a/6tQYWoQ (The person that wrote your orders letting me know that he'd leave the door open for me)

https://imgur.com/a/h5BsNe8 (And if its really needed, the order itself, and me standing next to the faction leader for confirmation of the hit)


Edited by Jmoorsey
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I also wouldn't provide a clip of you metagaming btw.

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my apologies he denied it when we brought it up

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10 hours ago, trvvo said:

my apologies he denied it when we brought it up

Wait, can you say that louder for those in the back? How did a dead man bring anything up in any sort of conversation? Whom exactly all did you bring this up to aside from everyone on the forums? If i recall correctly, and correct me if in wrong, but shouldnt only individuals who were present for this event have knowledge of this event? I.E the man who died and the man who committed the crime should have knowledge of this death. Anyone else having knowledge of this IC would be considered metagame. Is that what youre telling us? 

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1 hour ago, Togna Bologna said:

Wait, can you say that louder for those in the back? How did a dead man bring anything up in any sort of conversation? Whom exactly all did you bring this up to aside from everyone on the forums? If i recall correctly, and correct me if in wrong, but shouldnt only individuals who were present for this event have knowledge of this event? I.E the man who died and the man who committed the crime should have knowledge of this death. Anyone else having knowledge of this IC would be considered metagame. Is that what youre telling us? 

i think hes saying when he messaged you on discord you denied it, idk how you got confused on that one at all hes talking about talking to you

Edited by handsome
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3 hours ago, handsome said:

i think hes saying when he messaged you on discord you denied it, idk how you got confused on that one at all hes talking about talking to you

The quote was “we brought it up to him” not “when i messaged him” , read it again, but slowly. meaning him and others had knowledge of an IC situation where the other individuals concerned were not present and should realistically have no knowledge of this man’s disappearance. Which would be metagame. What else needs cleared? 


Apologies, let me elaborate. “We” meaning, plural. And “I” meaning, singular. 

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36 minutes ago, Togna Bologna said:

The quote was “we brought it up to him” not “when i messaged him” , read it again, but slowly. meaning him and others had knowledge of an IC situation where the other individuals concerned were not present and should realistically have no knowledge of this man’s disappearance. Which would be metagame. What else needs cleared? 

they asked you oocly and is stating that the reason he made the appeal is because you denied it oocly 😵

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8 minutes ago, handsome said:

they asked you oocly and is stating that the reason he made the appeal is because you denied it oocly 😵

Yes oocly which lead to being asked ooc to meet IC about information obtained oocly regarding the situation that happened. Bit odd, innit? 

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Posted (edited)

Reason of my PK is classified as not listening to HC orders and shooting close business partners but there were never any deals and as with your own words i shot an admin who teleported to remove the light but just stayed there. I have been ordered by Don to keep people that dont belong to faction outside of property and rightfully shot a stranger who was trespassing and refused to leave which because of hitbox ended up in me dying.No like literally he claimed it himself
Its a admin Fixing light Not a business partner And he didnt give me any orders So it makes it invalid Like i said before no deals were done with this individual neither anybody know him in faction other than you and him hanging out so it isnt really "close business partnership" neither.



Edited by trvvo
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The man Mike shot wasn't a business partner like explained previously as none of us know or even interact with the guy he shot and he didnt ignore orders from high command but was busy upholding it.

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Hello! The orders for your death were for shooting at "close business partners", and ignoring orders from your high command. While you, or the other faction leader may not have considered this person as a "close business partner", the person giving the order did. He witnessed you attempt to kill said business partner, as proven by this clip. There's no metagame, as proven by Jmoorsey's screenshots. I have no reason to believe there was any metagaming going on. 


Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by adam
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