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'Nonlethal' fists

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ham brained idea i had a few days ago.
it would be neat if you could reload or have some type of alt fire with fists where you enter a mode that allows you to attempt to knock out the other player when enabled. theyd function identically to normal fists- except a player who is near or in critical condition could be knocked out. 
useful for boxing and non-lethal escalations but i def could see it being a minge issue too but no more than normal fists tbh
if you want to spice it up, it could also have a chance of killing them instead of knocking them out if you want some more manslaughter/3rd degree murder charges. i know yall love your gambling after all

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There is a ragdoll effect that happens sometimes when boxing when you are critical and bleeding you blackout. But im pretty sure there have been suggestions similar to this that with creating more ragdoll effects and its a no because it gets too easily abused. Car ragdolls alone get abused enough.

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No lethal on some D&D shit.

Not a bad idea. Maybe E+R to put my fists on “safety” so instead of clobbering a brain to cave it in, I’m doing karate chops and shit. I don’t know, I’m only half serious but I do mean that you should be able to nonlethally K.O. Someone. Maybe they hop back up super weak which may convince them to fuck off because you could easily swap to a haymaker and threaten to finish them like Mr. Miyagi at the end of the original Karate Kid. 

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7 hours ago, Omerta said:

No lethal on some D&D shit.

Not a bad idea. Maybe E+R to put my fists on “safety” so instead of clobbering a brain to cave it in, I’m doing karate chops and shit. I don’t know, I’m only half serious but I do mean that you should be able to nonlethally K.O. Someone. Maybe they hop back up super weak which may convince them to fuck off because you could easily swap to a haymaker and threaten to finish them like Mr. Miyagi at the end of the original Karate Kid. 


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Good idea for boxing on god, also make it so you don't bleed from the punches like with the normal fists

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+1 could knock people out and drop them in the sewers

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On 2/27/2025 at 9:09 AM, Omerta said:

No lethal on some D&D shit.

Not a bad idea. Maybe E+R to put my fists on “safety” so instead of clobbering a brain to cave it in, I’m doing karate chops and shit. I don’t know, I’m only half serious but I do mean that you should be able to nonlethally K.O. Someone. Maybe they hop back up super weak which may convince them to fuck off because you could easily swap to a haymaker and threaten to finish them like Mr. Miyagi at the end of the original Karate Kid. 

you've clearly never done karate if u think its not lethal...

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4 hours ago, Fiver_zer0 said:

you've clearly never done karate if u think its not lethal...

Whether you're kidding or not, I don't think you understood what I said.

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8 hours ago, Omerta said:

Whether you're kidding or not, I don't think you understood what I said.

He has a blue belt in karate i think hes knows what hes talking about

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2 hours ago, handsome said:

He has a blue belt in karate i think hes knows what hes talking about

I’m pretty sure all he gets in karate class is blue balls.

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