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Processing at Server Restart


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Is this intentional?

I know I should have paid more attention, but I was on the grind with laundry and ended up having product stuck in the wash right before restart. Lost my processor and my product. Real serious bummer.

If this isn't intended, and we are supposed to be stopped from processing during restart, that measure seems to be broken or at least glitched to where the server ate mine up. 

I couldn't pick up the processor or anything to prevent it once I saw that my product wouldn't finish before the last minute ended. Now, I'm stuck skiing out to barge and taking a loss on my trade. 

Sad day.

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Ive already made this post as a suggestion

Edited by Jmoorsey
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mf it gives you notifications every like 15 minutes saying its about to restart, and incrementally makes more when its closer and closer to it im pretty sure....

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1 hour ago, anzati1 said:

mf it gives you notifications every like 15 minutes saying its about to restart, and incrementally makes more when its closer and closer to it im pretty sure....

Sometimes, the grind is just incredible like that. I get complete tunnel vision.

I understand it's a bit of a dumb mistake to make.

I'm just saying, once I realize the product won't finish and I cut it too close, I should be able to at least pick up my processor.  It's not like I made a poor roleplay decision; it's a limitation of the game and the system. I'm only trying to increase quality of life for players and minimize losses for simple mistakes.

I understand not everything is easy to implement/change but it's worth exploring to me, considering this isn't the first time I've heard of this happening. (It's just the first time it's happened to me.)

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It's not a bug it just hasn't been added. Can be easily added tho as there's already something that doesn't let you gamble 2 minutes before server restart

Edited by arth
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1 hour ago, arth said:

It's not a bug it just hasn't been added. Can be easily added tho as there's already something that doesn't let you gamble 2 minutes before server restart

Yeah, now that I know better, this isn't a bug. At this point, more just echoed a suggestion to add something like this.

Thanks for your replies, guys.

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just happened to me, +1

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