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Injury/Scar Tracking and Bodypart Removal

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Itd be neat if there was a system in game that logged and tracked long term permanent injury like taking fingers or other mob amputations. It'd also be cool if we could take trophies off of corpses like scalps. Obv these items should be traceable in some way to a person living or dead in some way to allow police to use them as evidence if discovered but it would be a good rp feature. Yeah yeah grotesque rp stuff but we literally butcher corpses and make people disappear it would be nice if we had the option to be able to essentially send a message with specific parts. 

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You know what... real damage to your player that is reflected like a missing ring finger would indeed be awesome! +1 110%.


Regarding the trophies and scalping.. bro what are you, a Predator? LOL!

But that being said i guess people do be doing that now anyway with the updated forensics and corpse dismemberment - and using those to send a message (which is a cold thing!).

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Would bring more rp and is a cool idea, there would be some kind of item that is used for this so people don't have to call an admin every time.


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i see issues in regards to someone losing all of their fingers trying to shoot a gun

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3 hours ago, Davis said:

i see issues in regards to someone losing all of their fingers trying to shoot a gun

I like the idea of losing your trigger finger and not being able to shoot anymore. Makes it a real consequence, as long as the system isn't abused. (It will be and you're right.)

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lmao the menace one was hilarious

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