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What's the most fucked up thing you ever heard, seen, or done ICLY that it made an impact on either your character, on the server, or both?

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I’ve killed 5 cops for trying to arrest me for attempted murder 

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shot up little italy cause i was bored 

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I heard ICly that the commission has big gay sex sessions in the silver tongue and that's why it's always closed and locked

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Had a legit bomb on me, held two men hostage to fix it for me as I was planning to blow up a place. Got arrested, officers were confused, they took the bomb and let me go.

Makes me wonder if its lowkey legal to be a terrorist in NYC 🤭

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idk, guess the time i dissected a black guy for trying get me hooked on cocaine

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ICly killed my brother idk

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brought a panzher to a PD riot event

and gave someone a china lake to also shoot at the riot

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pked a guy infront of a cop oustide of legrand with a shotgun who stole my AKM. got arrested and took a plea for attempted murder

then appealed the felony since a day after the cop that had arrested me had been pked for corruption or something.

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"Bait or Mental Retardation" 

Pun Gun😭


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46 minutes ago, Snorky said:

"Bait or Mental Retardation" 

Pun Gun😭


"Yup... You're going on the rape list." - Pun Gun 2024

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5 years ago, Winston Yu entered politics as a city councillor.



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drove around and ran people over

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Jmoorsey Apology video...

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4 hours ago, xDutchCat said:

Jmoorsey Apology video...

Kill yourself fucking nigger

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I had this kid (probably like 12-13) who joined my faction a while ago. He was not good at his job, but he had a soul. I hoped he would turn his act around, though that didn’t happen. He ended up indebted to the family after spending all his money on a car with hydraulics. He called me mom an hour before I took him to the barge to “buy a drug processor”. He literally cried to us for hours after and I felt horrible, but it had to be done.

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On 12/28/2024 at 8:50 AM, Wired said:

I had this kid (probably like 12-13) who joined my faction a while ago. He was not good at his job, but he had a soul. I hoped he would turn his act around, though that didn’t happen. He ended up indebted to the family after spending all his money on a car with hydraulics. He called me mom an hour before I took him to the barge to “buy a drug processor”. He literally cried to us for hours after and I felt horrible, but it had to be done.

what the fuck he called you mom?

he def needed to be put down for that reason and that reason alone is sufficient.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shot up the election trying to kill bingus and Nora Allen

Went on a mugging spree and got multiple people pked because I wanted a rare suit 

Tried to pk two people I was friends with because they pked my best friend 

Led multiple cops to the freezer at 7/12 and killed them 

Scammed hundreds of thousands worth of drugs and money and had a manhunt for me, ruining the rumor selling system for a little bit 

Mugged my faction leader for a two hundred thousand 

Robbed people in the gambino casino/hotel (la grande or sum) which ended up with me and my friend trapped on the top floor killing like 7 people because they were trying to get to us

Edited by arth
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Many things - when world corp was a thing, ive killed about 6 cops in back to back days after having a hostage and trying to get the feds to pay me.


One of my favourite things was being involved in the cleansing place in TH3 - in which i got quite a few big tips, but also spiked the drinks of a few officers including Maggy Finch, as well as Pat Hammer among others, brought them to the garage and took out their kidneys via 'surgery' and fed it to a ghost who was in the walls that defended the place from cops at time (this staff member knows who they are, good shit).

Cops were too a'fraid to raid and arrest me/us and didnt come close despite numerous 911 calls. 

It did bite back as Pat Hammers faction decided for payback and took one of the workers and took their kidney too. A wins a Win

Pat "Kidney-less" Hammer - Maggy "Kidney Lacking" Finch (finch ended up having a transplant and got their kidney back in the end)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I joined PD with the name Cassandra Cassano and I hired Gary Gambino.. people weren't very happy  😔

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Mickey Wickers chubby bunny blowjob in the motel

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/27/2025 at 9:15 PM, yummekoo said:

I joined PD with the name Cassandra Cassano and I hired Gary Gambino.. people weren't very happy  😔

Does anyone/did anyone actually think you’re funny for that?

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On 1/29/2025 at 2:25 PM, Charles said:

Mickey Wickers chubby bunny blowjob in the motel

🤓☝️ Actually. It was in a townhouse..... to be specific townhouse 3.

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On 2/10/2025 at 6:16 AM, Omerta said:

Does anyone/did anyone actually think you’re funny for that?

Its not supposed to be funny ?😊

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