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Waffels William Evers flag appeal

Cookie Baker

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Your Name: HarryB^ / Waffels William Evers / Ossafir Boliz / Jean Sirius

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:65488

Staff Member involved: Monaclu

What flags were blacklisted from you?: build flags

Reason for blacklist (if given): None (I would assume it's cause I removed them early after placing them down)

I made sure I wasn't being chased before removing the props, because I didn't want to remove something that would be important RP wise

Why should they be returned?: I made sure I wasn't being chased before removing the props, because I didn't want to remove something that would be important RP wise, and at the same time I removed them because I didn't want to leave it unattended to just be a dead dupe in the middle of the road

Nobody got proppushed, propkilled, prop attacked, propblocked, propflown, prop flung nor did any cars get destroyed with props; no warnings were given and nobody got any kind of harm as a result of the props being placed or removed

Not a single rule (to my knowledge) was broken with the minute and a half (maybe) that I had my construction dupe placed down

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you got arrested for minging at the meat market, and then went back on another character and set up a shitty construction rp outside the meat market and continued minging. You had prior pet flag notes, which means pet flags gonzo. Lucky you didnt catch a ban, too.

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1 hour ago, KingJewMonaclu said:

you got arrested for minging at the meat market, and then went back on another character and set up a shitty construction rp outside the meat market and continued minging. You had prior pet flag notes, which means pet flags gonzo. Lucky you didnt catch a ban, too.

2 total mistakes, neither malicious with pet flags, and that's what warrants a total blacklist to you?


are you too lazy to give a warning or are you too eager to take my flags away over the pettiest things you think you can? 


Nobody got proppushed, propkilled, prop attacked, propblocked, propflown, prop flung nor did any cars get destroyed with props; no warnings were given and nobody got any kind of harm as a result of the props being placed or removed


I didn't use these props to harm anybody and I didn't use these props to any advantage, I also didn't get a single warning from you, so from what it seems you're actively looking to push your way to blacklisting me here for as little as you can get away with.


edit: that's not to say I'm totally innocent here, if I'm given my flags I won't do this type of shit again, but I was only having innocent fun with the boys; I was being threatened with bats, and the italians said "there's no cops around, you know what that means?" I turned to my buddies and said "that means it's construction time!" and we constructed all over the place. I had people laughing before Monaclu stepped in on his cop character and I saw him coming, so I fled

heard absolutely nothing he said, so I really had no idea if he wanted to arrest me or not

I do LEAGUES of fun shit with build flags and I go out of my way to make sure my shit isn't gonna lag the server or kill anybody, prime examples are the sky screamer, carousel, monaco trailers, fish tank (with MOVING fish) and unfolding police barriers; if any of my shit is not fun or causes any


1 hour ago, Cookie Baker said:

2 total mistakes, neither malicious with pet flags, and that's what warrants a total blacklist to you?


are you too lazy to give a warning or are you too eager to take my flags away over the pettiest things you think you can? 


Nobody got proppushed, propkilled, prop attacked, propblocked, propflown, prop flung nor did any cars get destroyed with props; no warnings were given and nobody got any kind of harm as a result of the props being placed or removed

for context to the clip provided here, I was carrying a little pyramid around and I thought it'd be silly to put it in that guy's trunk, 

there are a million and one deadlier and more effective ways to fuck with people using props, and without them; adam gave me a note for what happened when the truck backed into the pyramid as I tried to put it in the truckbed

Edited by Cookie Baker
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If you'll just admit you were wrong and you broke the rules i'll give em back.

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He did so


Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.

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