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Grag Panji


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Name: Grag Panji

Steam id : 76561199083313447

Discord: evdigitydog

Date of Pk: 11/1/24

Reason for PK: The Don was "Contacted by someone"

Why Should unPK'd: i have been taking a break from the game I was never reached out to this is my first time on in a month and was never contacted by anyone in the faction Ive been on here and there and the char was a war char 



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Hello! Admin who oversaw the PK here. When joining a criminal faction all users understand and partake in the risk of being Permakilled as is the nature of being a criminal. Members of a faction who break their IC code of conduct or run risk to the faction can be ordered killed by the faction leader. You Apparently Neglected to pay your factions Dues and the faction leader placed orders for you to be killed.


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i dont even play this jawnson anymore but i think its lowkey kinda funny cause you just didn't play and have always had a PK on you ever since blu snaked just tryna get rid of the waladangs pymp boy

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2 hours ago, Gent said:

i dont even play this jawnson anymore but i think its lowkey kinda funny cause you just didn't play and have always had a PK on you ever since blu snaked just tryna get rid of the waladangs pymp boy

I was never even waladang too 💀 

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Brother if you go MIA for a long period of time and don't pay dues, things often won't go your way. Sorry mang nothing personal.

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Alright President (don) here, let me give the exact reasoning behind this since it hasn't been denied yet. You were set active for not paying dues or participating in anyway with SoS despite seeing you come on. Instead you were using us to store or house a character without even talking to me when I took over. I even approached you and got your name you said "oh yea uuhh I'm grag", Then you ran off without even an explanation. All of the other players that you thought you were on the same level with reached out to me when I took over presidency to explain their situation. The "somebody reached out" was me asking around about you before setting you active and they told me you were low quality. However I also told you everything stated above and you failed to mention this in your appeal solely for the purpose of attempting to cheat the system. SoS is in a tight spot rn and frankly I'm to busy keeping activity up and the lights on to deal with any outside drama. Let's just shake hands and move on it's just the name of the game 🤝

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Can you provide any evidence that you were exempt from kickups in the first place? @Eviddy

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From what I gather, you went MIA for a while and then got killed. I dont see any reason to accept your PK appeal


Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by Youbear
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