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Dr. Waldo "Squeaks" Fizzywanker's PK Appeal


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Name of Character: Dr. Waldo "Squeaks" Fizzywanker

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116617909

Your Discord ID#: dopeasroe

Date of PK: October 25, 2024

Reason for PK: "Disregard for his own life" 

Why should you be unPK'd? I was in the middle of a police chase and when I surrendered they cuffed me then went to drag me but since I was being dragged, I couldn't move, and drowned.

What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I just couldn't move because I was being dragged in water

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:


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Cop who pked you here,

First and foremost you knew the risk before you even jumped in that water, You made me chase you around in the water for around 5 whole minutes, (This can also be confirmed by how many tazer shots I fired which you should check the logs to see the amount) and finally, after you realized you were going to die you said I give up as you hoped this would be your saving grace. You jumped in the water because you thought it was a get-out-of-jail-free card, Clearly, it was not as most officers would have given up. I had not. I really don't think it would not be fair to unpk you for this as I have gotten many other pks for the exact same reason. As well as had my characters killed for this as well. Overall IMO the second you jump into that water after fleeing from the cops it's fair game.

Rule to back this

 ■ Breaking FearRP or showing disregard for your own life which results in death; this means if you kill yourself in an attempt to avoid an arrest or mugging, intentionally drowning or falling to your death to avoid detainment, or even having a friend or faction member kill you while you are detained are all considered a 'disregard for your own life' and can lead to a PK.

In my opinion, your PK should not be reversed as you clearly showed a lack of caring until your final moments.

Edited by Plixily
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Bro is pleading to not die, and is trying to get out lmao. Yall actually just pk hungry

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The Rodney King of Southside.

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Hello, I'm the admin who approved this PK. You made the decision to take the risk and run into the water to avoid being arrested, which ultimately led to your character's death during the incident. As a staff member, you should be fully aware of the risks when it comes to endangering your character to avoid being arrested or escape role-play scenarios. 

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as one of the cops who was there at the scene, Layne Wesson. this is a stupid pk

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@WaffleDevs First of all, Nobody is "Pk hungry" he knew the rule and died, which was Completely his fault. Another thing is you didn't see the entire scenario as I chased him forever it felt like and tazed him at least 30+ times. Some staff member can pull up the logs on my Tazers if you don't believe me.

Also it clearly states this on the forums 

Character Appeal Rules

You may only make one appeal per PK, if you are denied you will be unable to appeal for that character again.

You must appeal within one week of your character being PK'd, appeals posted after this time will be automatically denied.

You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the PK.

You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial.

You had no involvement you should not comment.

Edited by Plixily
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26 minutes ago, Plixily said:

Cop who pked you here,

First and foremost you knew the risk before you even jumped in that water, You made me chase you around in the water for around 5 whole minutes, (This can also be confirmed by how many tazer shots I fired which you should check the logs to see the amount) and finally, after you realized you were going to die you said I give up as you hoped this would be your saving grace. You jumped in the water because you thought it was a get-out-of-jail-free card, Clearly, it was not as most officers would have given up. I had not. I really don't think it would not be fair to unpk you for this as I have gotten many other pks for the exact same reason. As well as had my characters killed for this as well. Overall IMO the second you jump into that water after fleeing from the cops it's fair game.

Rule to back this

 ■ Breaking FearRP or showing disregard for your own life which results in death; this means if you kill yourself in an attempt to avoid an arrest or mugging, intentionally drowning or falling to your death to avoid detainment, or even having a friend or faction member kill you while you are detained are all considered a 'disregard for your own life' and can lead to a PK.

In my opinion, your PK should not be reversed as you clearly showed a lack of caring until your final moments.

it says INTENTIONALLY drowning, you can clearly see it wasn't intentional as he was stuck being dragged and couldn't go up himself, he's even begging you to stop dragging him so he wont drown

Edited by GlamourPunk
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@GlamourPunkI'll say it again he knew that jumping in the water could be the end of his life if he was tazed. He then in his final moments begged to be saved, At this point, he had already made his decision and was killed.

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wouldnt this just be a power game warn instead of a pk?

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@Chief SosaBro what, Explain?

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If you aren't involved with the Permakill don't comment. 

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everyone not involved in the perma kill feel free to comment smile 🙂🙂

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Cop that he originally ran over btw, I never remember saying I was pressing charges btw................. So I don't really understand why he was being chased in the first place...

Edited by ItsNebs
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Sorry this took so long, to point out a few things here. There IS an inherent risk to trying to escape in the water. Typically we'd like to see the officers bringing the guy to shore, and making a reasonable attempt at arresting the guy, so as a mechanism to PK the guy, this is not intended, however if you are at fault for drowning it can and typically will be a PK.

There was some debate over this, you were tazed in water and sank, you then say essentially you're complying, then you were cuffed under water and died. Me and some others were under the impression that you had no ability to swim up. it appears you CAN swim up when cuffed at the bottom like that, however you need to be looking straight up while he drags you and sometimes that doesn't behave properly. Given that this was not known and there was some ambiguousness to the death, potentially the dragging itself causing the PK death by suffocation. The PKing staff had offered to restart the RP with the suspect in cuffs. When this was refused by the officer, the character was PKed.

After a conversation about this, we'd have much rather have had the RP restarted given the uncertainty of who's fault this death was and because of the refusal by the officer and the pressure from said officer to the staff for the PK, it comes off as PK hungry. We have deemed this PK to be invalid on these basis, the fault could have been the officers and that RP could have easily continued.


Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

Edited by 4Lights
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