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Tonymontana Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Tonymontana

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:600857163

Your Discord ID#: .v.for.vendetta.

Reason for ban: Mass RDM

Length of ban: Permanent 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): My friends are starting up a faction and I would like to come back to the server.

Why should you be unbanned?: I would like to start by saying, I apologize for the way I acted and those who were affected by my choices leading up to my ban. After being banned for over a year I hope that I could be given a chance to come back to the server and reintegrate into the Diverge society. In my time away from Diverge I have played on a RedM serious RP server and I think that helped me become a better role player overall. I hope to use what I have learned in that server upon my return to Diverge. I hope to be let back into the community and abide by the rules.

/me throws up Davis Boy gang signs

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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+1 like the change of heart seems good guy

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Been playing with him for a long time before the ban on Diverge and like Pappy, I have been playing with him outside of the Diverge on other RP servers. He will stay out of trouble if given another chance.

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It has been a year, I have seen you in other places and you're not very serious but you are admittedly the kind of person that really fits this kind of server.

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Please complete this rule quiz https://forms.gle/SPVExYYxTQCFkfm26

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  On 11/4/2024 at 2:25 PM, Canadian-bacon said:

Please complete this rule quiz https://forms.gle/SPVExYYxTQCFkfm26


I did it

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I will afford you a second chance but understand if you are re-banned it's unlikely you will be unbanned.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.

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