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Ban Appeal

Lisergic LEnny

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Your Character or Steam Name: Lisergic LEnny

Your SteamID : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199123039676/

Your Discord ID#: beeming5798

Reason for ban: image.png.a8ac044b6029a1e13b37936d30f2de7e.png 

Length of ban: Perm

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): According to the admin who banned me I am a streamer which is not true I can prove I don't stream or even have a twitch account, I was walking around the server trying to get started and I was banned out of the blue while trying to get a start on the server after my previous character was PK'ed

Why should you be unbanned? I am not a twitch streamer and was an active roleplayer on the server the admin banned me under the asumption i was a streamer with no evidence to support his claim


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CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:1:612390545 2022-07-28 14:58:53
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wtf what do streamers do wrong +1 good guy

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My ban evasion attempt was for the sheer enjoyment I got out of the server and for an unreasonable ban + it was also 2 years ago can't a guy be forgiven, pretty please.

23 minutes ago, Canadian-bacon said:
CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:1:612390545 2022-07-28 14:58:53


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That was the steam name of the admin not the reason

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+1 Two year old ban for NITRP, people change, it is reasonable to let him back in.

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Read the rules. Begging you.


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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